Letter From The Editor: Turning Off Features
Due to ongoing resource issues and conflicts with our web host, there is a strong chance that I will be needing to turn off some features within the next couple of days. They will be off until August 1 at the latest. Right now these features include:
Commenter Archives
Commenter Threads
State of the Discussion (Maybe)
To clarify, when I talk about Commenter Archives and Commenter Threads, I mean the ability to look up a commenter’s history and not the comments themselves. However…
Due to ongoing resource issues and conflicts with our web host, there is a decent chance that I will be needing temporarily remove old comments. I have been working diligently to make sure that they can be restored at a later date and I will not proceed until I am 100% confident of my ability to bring them back. I will likely be clearing out old comment sections from around 2010 and 2011.
I apologize for the inconvenience and this will not be a regular occurrence.
Eeep… not the history. Do we need a fundraising drive?Report
There may be one when all is said and done.Report
I thought this was an annual occurrence. I was just looking for it a few weeks ago, as a matter of fact.Report
What, delete all the comments from back when I actually made some sense?Report