

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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13 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    Note that my grin was at least half because I knew how terribly Jay would not to see it. It is third on my list of stuff I’d like to go see though…. good thing I’ll be ALONE for two weeks. (One of the few reasons it’s a good thing.)

    Also, @jaybird honey, they do do that for plays. We just go to a lot more itty bitty there are only 20 seats and they all cost 10 bucks each plays than we do big theater plays. Or at least, I drag you to more of the former, and tend to find other company or just go by myself for the other ones. Because I know that, for example, you have zero interest in going to a live performance of Mary Poppins.

    I’ve been reading a lot of comics and a lot of kids’ books, and also catching up like whoa on podcasts. I also watched the End of the Tour because even as flawed as it is purported to be, I really like Jason Segel. And I enjoyed him in it. And now I want to go back to reading David Foster Wallace, of whom I have read quite a bit already. But probably not this week.Report

  2. Out here, it’s more and more common to pick movie seats when you buy the tickets online. When we had the work outing for 11 of us to see Rogue One, it was a theater that didn’t offer that, so we expected to have the scatter to find seats. Luckily, the place didn’t sell out, so we found a big-enough open space towards the front. (Rouge One was his sled.)

    My daughter wanted to see La La Land, and dragged both her boyfriend and her brother. They all wound up enjoying it.Report

  3. Stillwater says:

    Part of me wonders what the main thrust of picking seats when you buy tickets is going to be…

    I don’t know. What I do know is that since I figured out how easy it is to lock in your seats (for only an additional $3/ticket convenience fee!) I simply can’t NOT do it. (My wife: “Let’s just get the tickets at the theater. Come on, let’s go.” Me: “Have you gone temporarily insane? It’ll take two minutes. I’ll just jump on moviefone here and …”) So they’re getting a bump on every ticket purchase I make.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Stillwater says:

      That’s how they get ya!Report

    • Troublesome Frog in reply to Stillwater says:

      If you’re going to see a new-ish popular movie, the extra half hour you save not waiting in line for the doors to open to get a good seat is totally worth it. My wife and I saw Rogue One, arrived about 2 minutes before the lights dimmed, and walked right to our seats. Printed tickets at the electronic kiosk (which, for some reason, is still totally unused in the year 2016, even when the line for the box office is long). No waiting in line anywhere.

      If only there was another type of ticket you could buy that required that you had to pass some sort of “don’t make noise for 2 hours” test.Report

  4. Kazzy says:

    Finally saw “Deadpool”. Lotta fun! The kinda super hero movie I can get into.Report

  5. North says:

    My theater, which we switched to several years ago, you select the seats. There’s no different charge for “sections” I suspect because of enforcement concerns and like, also demand in theaters is simply too spongy.

    I love assigned seating, it’s the shit. No jockeying for location, no dealing with the tools who’s thrown their jackets across a couple of seats. No doom if you don’t get there early to claim turf. Seat selecting is the bomb diggity.

    Merry Christmas Jay and to the rest of ya.Report

  6. Michael Cain says:

    By evening, whatever was on my phone. 50 mph straight-line winds (gusts to near 70) took out cable and internet about 4:30 pm, power about 6:30 pm.Report

  7. Kim says:

    Dan Aykroyd not knowing he’s in a movie.
    (Threatening people with paper bags is normal for the dude.)Report