Monthly Archive: February 2016

Jullette Saussy Resignation Letter

The Department refuses to measure true performance, beginning with response times. They persist in providing complete measurements and elaborate graphs resulting in inaccurate and flawed information creating a “feel good” atmosphere that is not based on reality. You cannot fix what you cannot measure honestly and this is one of the main reason the system continues to fail the people we are here to serve.

A lack of accountability at all levels has created a workforce that is undisciplined and unchecked. Major infractions result in virtually no discipline and the “practice of medicine” is “overseen” by people with no authority, no medical expertise or teeth to drive change. Yet, it is that very “practice of medicine” for which this Department is so infamously known to be deficient.

From: Jullette Saussy Resignation Letter

Erica Garner’s Commercial Endorsing Bernie Sanders for President

The Senator didn’t reach out to me all of a sudden because he needs help with Black people. He didn’t put out a press conference announcing that we would be working together. He didn’t force me to frame my support of him around a subject matter that special interest groups that support him can get behind. They said we are glad to have your support, how do you want to plug in. You will see a lot of Black leaders handing out endorsements, think to yourself, have they historically been a rubber stamp for the establishment? I hope this expresses why I think Bernie is our guy!

From: Erica Garner’s Commercial Endorsing Bernie Sanders for President – Erica Garner

{Via Vikram Bath}

A New Advocacy Group Is Lobbying for the Right to Repair Everything | Motherboard

“That problem—that manufacturers of everything are trying to control the secondary repair market—has two main sources, Gordon-Byrne said. First, manufacturers use federal copyright law to say that they control the software inside of gadgets and that only they or licensed repair shops should be allowed to work on it. Second, manufacturers won’t sell replacement parts or guides to the masses, and often use esoteric parts in order to specifically lock down the devices.

These problems have been well known in the smartphone, computer, and consumer electronics for years, and it’s why groups like iFixit and the Electronic Frontier Foundation have been able to mount successful challenges to the DMCA in recent years. Increasingly, however, these problems are spilling over into just about every other industry.”

From: A New Advocacy Group Is Lobbying for the Right to Repair Everything | Motherboard