A Meathead Watches Gilmore Girls (“Concert Interruptus” and “That Damn Donna Reed”)
Remember that last review, when I got super – and perhaps unreasonably – pissed about Lorelai’s treatment of Sookie? I’m about to do that again.
“Concert Interruptus”
Sookie cooked a beautiful meal for a client, a meal so beautiful that the client inexplicably gave her tickets to see The Bangles. I’m not going to pretend that I understand the idea that getting tickets to see The Bangles is a reward. Instead, I’m just going to go along with that notion, mostly because Sookie is so excited when she tells Lorelai the good news. They’ve got tickets! Four of them! To see The Bangles! And everybody can go: Sookie, Lorelai, Rory, and Lane.
Rory and Lane – both teenagers – are both excited about getting these tickets, despite being born at roughly the time that The Bangles last produced meaningful, noticed music. Unfortunately, Lane can’t go. Her mother, the taciturn Mrs. Kim, forbids it. Who to take, who to take? Lorelai suggests three of Rory’s classmates, which makes approximately zero sense, as Rory has repeatedly made it clear that she is no fan of these three. That they’re stuck together. by a teacher is hardly justification for including them on a “family” outing, surely. But Lorelai presses and Rory agrees.
Only, that’s six people going to a concert that there are only four tickets for. Not to worry, says Lorelai. Rory and her three friends can have the tickets. Her and Sookie will just buy two more. And why wouldn’t Sookie go along with this plan? After all, it’s not like she’s the one that did all of the work that produced them, and it’s not like she’s the one who proposed the plan in the first place. Err, no, wait a minute. All of those things are true. Lorelai, just two episodes removed from driving a knife between Sookie’s ribs at her lack of a love life now feels so privileged as to give Sookie’s tickets away to three people that her daughter has repeatedly claimed to dislike. Once again, Sookie doesn’t murder Lorelai for her behavior. One wonders if the writers even bothered to think through the ramifications of what their characters were/weren’t doing.
“Hey, if we have Lorelai give Sookie’s four tickets away to people that Rory doesn’t even like, and without having bothered to ask for permission, won’t that make Lorelai look like an enormous asshole?”
“No, whatever, it’s fine.”
The concert goes well enough – would you believe The Bangles managed to get both “Walk Like An Egyptian” and “Eternal Flame” into their set – but two of the girls that Rory has taken with her decide that it makes sense to sneak out of the concert and to a nearby party.
And if I’ve been perhaps a bit critical before, Lorelai’s response here is perfect. She finds the party and drags both girls out, excoriating them for having been so stupid, demanding to know whether they understand how dumb it is to accept drinks from strange men, and if the implications of that comment aren’t clear, they should be. There are moments where I don’t want my response to this show to be gendered but comments like Lorelai’s snap me back to the reality that these characters are growing up in a very different way than I would have. I might have been criticized for sneaking out of a concert, for going to a strange party, and perhaps even for drinking, but there would have been no warning about getting raped. Here, there is. Kudos for the show on including it.
The rest of the show centers on the Gilmore Girls organizing a Stars Hollow rummage sale. Lorelai finds a donated jacket but decides to keep it, wearing it around, including at Luke’s. Luke’s reaction is quite negative. Later, it is revealed that the jacket belonged to an ex-girlfriend who abandoned him, one that Lorelai knew nothing about. (Please note that it makes no sense that Lorelai would know nothing about this woman, as both she and Luke have been in Stars Hollow together for at least 15ish years, at least according to the bits of history we’re given about the Gilmore Girls wanderings after Rory’s birth.) She eventually apologizes for having worn it and Luke takes the jacket back as a token of what’s to come. I mean what has been. Or do I?
“That Damn Donna Reed”
Dean comes over for Donna Reed night, in which the Gilmore Girls watch and guffaw at The Donna Reed Show. Dean thinks that Donna Reed’s devotion to her family is cute; the Gilmore Girls are put off by what appears to be his embrace of a patriarchal, repressive system. And thus, a thousand comment threads were born!
Lorelai decides that Luke’s needs a makeover. This makes perfect sense, as business is fine and everybody seems to love the place. Also, Luke’s family has owned the place forever, and Luke stayed in Stars Hollow because he felt so much a part of building and its history. So yes, change it. Exactly. Anyway, Luke agrees to Lorelai’s proposal, something that nobody expects. Townfolk literally gather to discuss his willingness to do so. Apparently, they’ve all been telling him what a garbagehole his restaurant his, and to show how serious they are about their criticisms, they’ve kept coming back for food and coffee, day after day after day.
Rory eventually ends up spending the night at Lorelai’s next door neighbor’s house. Lorelai doesn’t understand why Rory wouldn’t want to stay at home with her but she agrees to this, not suspecting that Rory has planned to dress up like Donna Reed, act like Donna Reed, and generally be Donna Reed for several hours with Dean. It is a very odd thing for her to do, it makes no particular sense, and the only thing we really end up getting from it is Lorelai’s howls of laughter when she discovers that her daughter spent the night next door so that she could cosplay as a television housewife.
While Rory’s been doing that, Lorelai has been at home, and because of a macguffin, Luke is called over to help. There is a silent misunderstanding about whether Luke’s been summoned to catch a macguffin or because sexytimes, but nothing is said, leaving other characters to try to piece together the motivations. Why did Lorelai call for Luke? And why did Luke come so quickly? (Editor’s Note: Phrasing!) Sookie and then Emily (of all people) suspect they knows the answer to the both but Lorelai shoots these suggestions down. She might as well stick her fingers in her ears and scream, “I’M NOT LISTENING!!!”
Luke and Lorelai end up scheduling a time to paint his store: after closing on Friday. (The night that Lorelai always goes for dinner at her parent’s house, and isn’t this going to take all night, and didn’t Lorelai just bemoan that Rory was spending too much time away from home and whatever, reasons, television, words, short-circuit.) The episode ends with Rory’s father coming to town, where he ends up being invited to spend the night. This was actually a cliff(ish)hanger and a bit of a genuine shock.
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Maybe Rory and Lane are eighties fanatics? There are lots of teenagers that listen to classic rock and pop thanks to exposure from their parents and other loved ones. Since Rory is the daughter of a teenage mother, Lorelai might have exposed her to the hits of the early eighties. Plus, the Bangle were probably relatively cheap compared to more contemporaneous music acts for the the producers.Report
My son is a big fan of 70s and 80s music, though I’m not sure The Bangles are one of the bands whose music translates well in the 2010s. He’s a big fan of The Runaways and “99 luftballons,” though. And Bon Jovi.Report
“how dumb it is to accept drinks from strange men”
I had a joke involving another famous sitcom personality for this, but it’s just too damned depressing.
“Rory has planned to dress up like Donna Reed, act like Donna Reed, and generally be Donna Reed for several hours with Dean”
Maybe it’s just my own dirty mind, but the subtext of all this seems far racier than it’s being described here.
“This makes perfect sense, as business is fine and everybody seems to love the place…Apparently, they’ve all been telling him what a garbagehole his restaurant his, and to show how serious they are about their criticisms, they’ve kept coming back for food and coffee, day after day after day.”
This whole paragraph cracked me up. Keep on keepin’ on, Sam.Report
The diner everyone hates but goes to daily anyway is pretty much a television tradition, right? There was even a show entirely about such a place. In television world, it’s par for the course for the food to suck, the staff to be rude and insulting, and the customers to be incredibly loyal.Report
Its sado-masochist dining and about as kinky as network tv can get.Report
oh, you have NO IDEA what the networks sneak past the censors.
What’s worse, they actually do research to figure out what’s going to fly…Report
And that show was based on an early Scorcese movieReport
They love the food!Report
Based on recommendations here, I’ve been watching. (I think I may be ahead of you now; I’ve been working on finishing a massive knitting project for a show, and it’s good knit-watching.)
I, too, didn’t get the whole Donna Reed thing Rory pulled, until the end; instant mashed potatoes. The joke here is that Donna’s household magic was the new American enterprise of processed foods, not real cooking. Not Sookie or even Luke style cooking.
First, if we remove the ever-changing household servants, Emily could be my mother-in-law. The value of things, prestigious people, and social obligation drove and shaped her life. The big difference is that my MIL is a child of immigrants (my FIL, too), and their success came in the wake of WWII, the GI Bill, and the industrial growth of America, where my FIL was a financier to the Captains of Industry.
I could be Rory, growing up with the ever-present fact that my mother had her first child (not me) as a teen. What intrigues me is how freely it’s discussed; in my house, it was a non-topic due to the shame of it all. When we did discuss it, my mother and I, it was alone, not amongst friends and neighbors. The shame of it was never balanced with a notion of Harvard; success was getting to 18 without getting pregnant.
But most of all, my sweetie and I could be Babette and Morey, though Babette’s about three times my size, and I’m not prone to putting trolls and gnomes around the yard.
Luke is actually the problem in the show for me. He’s been there all his life, doesn’t want to leave. Yet he’s also set apart from the community in weird ways. I cannot reconcile him in any way that suggests he’s a real person.Report
It’s the town busybodies who want the diner redone, not the regular customers. Luke says no because he dislikes busybodies but says yes to Lorelai, for whom he has a secret (in the sense that it’s clear to everyone in the world except for a stone age tribe in the interior of New Guinea who don’t have cable yet) thing for her.Report
No, we totally knew.Report
*golf clap*Report
Hey, welcome to civilization! Sorry about Comcast.Report