The great thing about Heroes has always been legion. Each faction plays, and fights, somewhat differently. This hero has ground pounders and so the spell that gives you the most bang for your buck is “haste”, while that hero has archers and so the spell that gives the most bang for your buck is “mass slow”, while this other hero has spellpower out the wazoo and so “chain lightning” is your best bet. On top of that, different styles of castles require different resources. Necromancers benefit from mercury more, demons from sulfur, haven from stone and woon, so on and so forth… which makes how you attack maps different for each hero. (And, on top of that, different maps as part of the campaign have different goals, which make you play very differently… sometimes you have to build a castle and take over the map, sometimes you merely have to get from here to there without any creature generators at all… and you play differently depending!)
Well, Heroes VI has some absolutely amazing maps. One of the necromancer maps involves your hero fighting her own personal demons and so she travels in her own head, fighting the monsters she encounters and this map is awesome… but, unfortunately, the rest of the maps suffer from the fact that Heroes VI has dumbed down the gameplay. You just have wood, ore, and crystals now. That’s it. All castles require just those three. And the combat is pretty much identical as well. The creatures feel like they can be swapped out generically. An archer is an archer, a swordsman is a swordsman, and tactics involve which order you want to hit people with and not anything deeper. (For example: In Heroes V, vampires attacked but your opponent didn’t retaliate. So you’d have different things to take into account when you used them than when you attacked with, say, Wraiths… which did allow retaliation.)
It seems like they have better writers, worse mechanics.
Which is too bad.
But at least I can go back to looking forward to VII now.
So… what are you playing?
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I’m playing Wasteland 2, but I’ll put it aside (temporarily) the moment Civ: Beyond Earth is released.Report
I’m watching that one — Alpha Centauri was right up there with the original Xcom games as a favorite, so I hope they manage to get it right. (The new Xcom games are fantastic, by the way. Modernized, updated, true to the original without being a perfect clone. Well, not the Bureau. That game annoyed me).
Been play the Reaper of Souls expansion for Diablo 3 (just got the expansion), with a new ‘seasonal’ character. (You start from total scratch. Fun). The game is a bit addictive.
Might try another hack at Crusader Kings 2.Report
I had a similar reaction to Heroes VI. Also, the AI is not very good, which means the non-campaign maps don’t end up being very interesting.Report
Congrats, you just convinced me not to buy Heroes VI. I got a version of Heroes III adapted for modern computer OS’s and it’s wonderful. I’m playing that until Beyond Earth releases [tomorrow, god(ess?) help me].Report
From GOG?
It’s odd that even after the company that made the game went under (I miss 3do), the game keeps on trucking along.
If only that had happened to Anachronox…Report