Well, now that I think about it, maybe not high school. Maybe she was just in my church youth group. Anyway, I’m sitting on the couch, eating my Saturday night pizza and watching House and, dang, there she is. Huh.
I went to imdb to double-check and, yep. That’s her.
Anyway, someone a couple of years younger than me played a bit part on a very popular show back in 2004.
So… what are you reading and/or watching? Did anybody you barely knew when you were 17 show up in it?
As a former theatre person, I have all sorts of friends who made it farther in their artistic/creative careers and seem to come up everywhere and know everyone. One friend from undergrand seems to be personal and professional friends with some big name internet writers like Bertlasky, Marcotte, Mike Daisy. Freddie DeBoer, etc. It is always a bit odd to see these people comment on his facebook feed especially when he is writing about mundane things like a BBQ.
Now I am not the only person who did not make it very far but I do admit to tinges of jealousy because it seems like someone I know is always doing something amazing. There was an n plus one essay I read this week on the feeling.
I also finished The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Tom Rachmann. Something about the writing of the novel compelled me to read it to the end even though I felt that many of the characters were cardboard cliches. The story is about a young woman who is whisked away from her father at ten by a trio of people and therefore ceases to have a conventional life. The trio were the cliches. There is a woman who can be charming but also extremely moody, hot and cold. An intellectual Russian with a curmudgeonly streak who is kind-hearted to the the protagonist, and their ring leader who is a “charming” ne’er do well who sees the world as a filled with marks as using the girl to help con people. Typical cons would be taking her to a fancy restaurant on her birthday, seducing the waitstaff and then sneaking out before paying the final bill by leaving his jacket (purchased cheaply at a thrift store) drapped on his chair. Or they would go to a busy train station and convince someone to give the protagonist 500 dollars in exchange for a bigger promised reward later.Report
Marilyn Manson was in my drama class.
Heh. There I said it.
His rise to fame (infamy?) has been, well, amusing.Report
Oh and this weekend I’m reading the the Matrix Computations book by Golub and Van Loan, mostly the sections on orthogonality and QR.Report
Lol. I am amused.Report
Watching the Netherlands-Mexico game. I doubt any of the players will be anyone I knew in Indian back in the early ’80s.Report
I went to high school with one of the “Gentlemen” from Jackass, but have never really watched it, does that count? I have been walking around the house, looking for something to read (I do have thousands of books, many unread by me) and nothing is jumping out at me, so I have been picking things up, putting them down, etc. But supposed to go wandering around the east bay today with my son, so hopefully I will pick something up.Report
I absolutely blasted through Fargo, in unprecedented time. It wasn’t great, but it was definitely interesting. There were a lot of great touches, like “Deaf Fella” on the conspiracy board. The stereotypical Minnesota accent grates. I like crime stories, though, and I like stories in atypical settings (ie anywhere but New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago) and so there was an appeal to me.
I also got caught up on Game of Thrones. The Blacklist is on now.
Audiobookwise, I made some more progress on Foundation, listened to a Graphic Audio Superman/Demon/JonahHex story, and am now back to Bosch (City of Bones).Report
How does one do a graphic audio?Report
Here’s a post I wrote about GA some time back. It’s basically a cross between audiobooks and radio plays. A combination of narration and acting/dialogue.Report
Swear a lot.Report
I’m watching this.Report
Is that your Tumblr, Zic?Report
Yup. Started it yesterday.Report
Very nice!Report
That is a nice scene to watch.Report
god, I love mountain lakes.Report
And it’s in the 80’s, and dry, and the air smells like wild roses, waterlilies, and pine trees.Report
Not a TV show or movie but from my time in Colorado in my early 20’s I know two artist who did art for the Alpha deck of Magic the gathering and another person who is now a fairly well known author and is friends with GRR MartinReport
Yah? I know a bloke who wrote rejection notices for GRRM.
And I know a Tolkien Scholar (other than BlaiseP).Report
I’m still working my way through James Baldwin’s collected essays. (I’m a slow reader.)Report
People I went to high school with are all over the music insist industry now. Mostly country. I see them pop up now and then. Also, I went to kindergarten with Reese Witherspoon. Apparently my mom was friends with her mom. I remember none of this.Report
I am using this space to say that I don’t like the redesign of the Ordinary Times home page.Report
No politics! Oh, wait… nevermind.
(This was actually a WordPress update thing and not a deliberate redesign by management.)Report
Other than the missing comment counts, the changes seem pretty subtle to me.Report
Author name is missing on non featured posts. Slightly different and harder to read font.Report
Other than the missing comment counts, the changes seem pretty subtle to me.
Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
I like knowing how many comments a particular post has before I click on it. I also like knowing who the author is.
The font change, while noticeable, isn’t a problem for me.Report
Over the weekend I watched the premiere of Girl Meets World.
I am not one who prays at The Altar of Diversity.
However, I was struck by how white the school scenes were. This was an ordinary public middle school in New York City, and an actual school like that wouldn’t have these lily-white demographics.Report
I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet. It takes place in NYC? Boo! It should take place in Philly like BMW.Report
A public school in NYC would have exactly the opposite Demographics in most if not all neighborhoods.Report
Our best friends went to college with Dexter (and actually knew him personally, instead of just noticing that his name was on the alumni list).
That’s all I got.Report
How did they feel upon learning that he’s a serial killer?
They were OK with it, but they liked him better as a gay mortician.Report
I hear he’s a lumberjack now, leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia.Report
I hadn’t really finished anything of note (filmic or written) so I wasn’t going to comment.
But then last night I saw the show Absinthe, in the round in the second row, in a tent in front of Caesar’s Palace. It is both incredibly offensive and incredibly beautiful, and I am most grateful for the experience. I’ve never actually felt religious ecstasy ( / a temporal lobe disturbance ) while watching acrobats before.Report
I went to high school with this guy. Who, in an interesting small world event, eventually met and married the younger sister of one of my wife’s high school friends.
And then randomly moved to my neighborhood.Report
Similar story, though no one famous is involved. When the kids were tiny, we lived about an hour away from where we are now. We became good friends with a couple on the next block who had two teenaged sons. We recently learned that the younger one had moved nearby, so we went to visit him in the house he’d just bought, which was right next door to the one I grew up in.Report
Hellboy in Hell baby!!! Finally got the first trade paperback and it’s mmmm mmmmm good right from the get go. Finger licking good!Report