Your Problems Are Just That: Yours


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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5 Responses

  1. Freeman says:

    Look… I get that she didn’t choose to have motion sickness. But there are probably things she could to do to mitigate it, right?

    I would recommend Cannabis, but then I’d be violating the spirit of Opposite Day…Report

  2. Damon says:

    In the spirit of “opposite day”, it takes a community of people to fix this problem. We must have massive taxation, socialism, and every neighbor looking in on the welfare of this woman. Entire industries must be bent to our common goal: eliminating this woman’s motion sickness. We all must suffer like you do until a cure if found, preferably one of extreme complexity employing tens of thousand of people…Report

  3. Since when did Opposite Day become Divorce Day?Report