Daily Archive: July 26, 2012

Our Socialist Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton, from his “Report on Manufactures”: The remaining objections to a particular encouragement of manufactures in the United States now require to be examined. One of these turns on the proposition, that Industry,...

Mon Tiki in Montauk

It turns out Mon Tiki’s slender, efficient hull shape is not well suited for trailer made for boats driven by big engines. Getting the port hull loaded and secure took four hours and a...


Hippie Chic boat movers is meeting us at the barn today. By 3PM this afternoon MON TIKI should be in the Montauk Marine Basin shipyard an we’ll be getting on to final assembly. It’s...

A Last Plea…

…yes, it’s me again, dear readers. With the 28th rapidly coming up this is just my final bump. Many of you have given already. More have given feedback. All of it is appreciated and...