Daily Archive: July 5, 2012
The Amazing Spider-Man: Getting Lost Along the Road Already Traveled
Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man has the undeserved misfortune of coming second. Rebooted only 10 years after Sam Raimi first brought the web slinger to the big screen, The Amazing Spider-Man suffers from been there/done that fatigue....
More Money, More Problems: Why Mitt Romney Can’t Talk About His Wealth
The economic indicators as of late have been discouraging, so the winner of this year’s Presidential election is still very much in doubt. What has long been and remains clear, however, is that if Mitt Romney...
Medicare vs. Universal Health Care: An Honest Question for the Right
Over the past two years, our country has raged over the questions surrounding healthcare reform. The Democrats, for better or worse, have taken the need to address serious healthcare system flaws that threaten the...
Political and moral rights
This is adapted from something I posted the other day over at Blinded Trials. I know there are many Friends of Rights who read the front page, and not Blinded Trials, and I’d love...
The Non-Wonky Institutional Left?
Regular League readers know about my professional hobby horse: leftists usually make thin, wonky arguments instead of explaining the moral principles involved. Goes like this: But if the eclipse of the new progressive era...
But We’ve Already Met
As a newly minted Ordinary Gentleman, I am required to introduce myself, although I’d like to believe that I’ve spent the last six months doing so in the both the guest posts that have...