Playing music with children
This pretty much sums up every time I try to play guitar while my children are around. My daughter is almost five and my son almost two, and their musical tastes tend to be...
This pretty much sums up every time I try to play guitar while my children are around. My daughter is almost five and my son almost two, and their musical tastes tend to be...
This is a post about separation of powers and the proper scope and exercise of Presidential authority, Congress’ ability to attempt to direct the exercise of that authority, and a strange attempt by Congress...
You knew it would get ugly, and now it has. Romney’s character is being called into question as his past as a youthful prankster and loud-mouthed homophobe is coming to light. Recalling an incident...
I’ve finished Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy: The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, and Last Argument of Kings. And may I just say that this is some truly wonderful fantasy? Because it is truly wonderful fantasy, easily some of the...
Okay, whatever partisan disagreements I have with the House Republicans, their decision to eliminate the American Community Survey is a bridge too damn far. This means war.
Can we please remember that Edmund Burke was a WHIG politician, not some grand old Tory?
~by M.A. Fresh off of reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recent op-ed concerning the ever-shrinking GOP tent, I had the occasion to sit around for a while listening to one of the local highly-rated talk radio hosts for...
The kids and I went to see The Avengers last night. This was the official beginning of the summer movie season for us. The movie itself was a perfect start. It was big. It...
~by Sam Wilkinson This was the quote that got me: “If the GOP is going to win elections, it’s going to win them fair and square with real Republicans, not fake ones.” That’s from...
And now finally, after so many years, maybe we can finally just have it out. For the past decade, the professional right has succeeded in the neat parlor trick of stoking anti-gay sentiment to...
The Knock Down, Part 1 ended here: “Is everyone sure their okay? Sometimes you don’t notice at first that you’ve fallen or banged yourself, or been cut.” She looks up at me. The left...
Setting aside some of the obnoxious partisan rhetoric (seriously, how is it the left’s fault that Michele Bachmann has dual citizenship?), this post by Mark Krikorian at NRO has some interesting nuggets buried within....
Fellow Ordinary Gentleman Elias’ earlier erudite essay has indeed been OBE, exactly as he predicted. In the linked video, the President describes undertaking a personal journey of opinion not unlike mine, which was one of thinking...
Right now as I start this post, out on the street, the same somebody who comes by once a week is creating the clink-clink noise of bottles being sorted out of the neighborhood recycle...
This time it’s Sen. Dick Lugar [R-IN] getting the Tea Party ax in the primary. Dick Lugar is the type of Republican who Democrats love although seldom actually vote for. If you’ve got a...
“You can’t throw bull with the ocean, she won’t listen.” — Harold H. “Dynamite” Payson A couple, my nearly my age. He’s brought his Georgia peach of a wife back to Long Island for...
Leaguefest 2012 is a go! Roughly a dozen of us will meet, live and in person, in Las Vegas, in less than three weeks! On Friday night, May 25, we will gather at the SpaceQuest...
“They’re a mash-up; they’re insane,” Whedon says. “But the beauty of that is as exciting as the problem of that is daunting.” Marvel’s The Avengers is an impressive monster. A juggernaut at the box...