Game of Thrones blogging
I can’t stress enough how much I like blogging about A Song of Ice and Fire at the League. The one problem is I sometimes don’t have an idea of what I want to blog about so I’m asking you all for recommendations. Keep in mind that I’m at the Jon Snow chapter in A Storm of Swords that begins “The ground was littered with pine needles and blown leaves, a carpet of green and brown still damp from the recent rains” (reading this on the Kindle so no page numbers, sorry) so I can’t write about stuff beyond there.
What do you want to talk about? (Please, no more discussing the stupidity of Ned Stark).
Can I ask a question that involves spoilers from the second or third book?Report
I got impatient and posted my question here.Report
I thought I said yes. Go ahead! Just not after where I am in the third book.Report
This could be a very, very bad idea. But…
Combining the two loves of this site, Fire & Ice and politics, I would be interested in seeing which political figures in real life folks hear would have “play” the majors in F&I while making there political science *and* literary cases.Report
[Politician I don’t like] is obviously Joffry because [subjection rationale that ultimately boils down to my not liking him].
[Politician I like who lost] is Ned Stark because [he or she] was too honorable for this country.
[Incendiary media personality who says mean and incendiary things but who I inexplicably forgive] is Tyrion, because he’s just telling it like it is.Report
[Politician I like who lost] is Ned Stark because [he or she] was too honorable for this country.
No, he’s Ned Stark because he’s stupid.Report
No way! [Politician you don’t like] is Cersei — cynical, calculating, and evil, but very competent, because [recital of embarassing misstep in politician’s career].
[Politician I like and you don’t] is really Jon Snow, an outsider relegated to the margins where we all know [he or she] doesn’t have a chance at the big time, but who we also know is the one who really should have it all. After all, [rationale] showing both honor, justice, wisdom, and real human emotion.
If anyone, [other incendiary media personality of no more substance or importance than the one you mentioned] is really Tyrion. I know you don’t want to like him, but what has he said or done that was wrong?Report
I mean arguably he wasn’t that great of a Hand was he? The smallfolk in King’s Landing don’t like him much.Report
The smallfolk in King’s Landing should have liked him.
1. He saw to their defenses from the most credible threat where Cersei would have left their backsides open.
2. He got them food, to the best of his ability.
3. He restrained Cersei’s stewardship of the throne from descending into complete tyrrany, removing the most capricious of the first and most brutal of the Lannister lackeys from positions of power.
Yes, each of these things had a political, pro-Lannister (and particularly pro-Tyrion) agenda behind them, but that’s more than either of his two predecessors could have said. At the end of the day he instituted policies aimed at the benefit of the smallfolk in a bid for their loyalty.
It wasn’t his fault there was a war going on and it was hard to get food.Report
I’m trying to think if any other character did something as unselfish as Tyrion’s designing the saddle for Bran, and I’m drawing a blank. And his thanks? After deciding that it’s probably not a death trap, Robb grudgingly says “OK, I guess you can stay here.”
No wonder he thinks he has to pay people to like him.Report
Tyrion is, in many respects, the most selfless character in the books, but he is also at war with that selflessness constantly. He is shamed by it, and never rewarded for it – and yet he persists.Report
And I think we have a winner. I think discussing Tyrion’s tenure as hand is a topic worthy of a blogpost!Report
My goal here was actually to focus just on the books. Crossovers would be hard and I don’t want to stray into real life politics (which, by the way, I spend a great deal of my time and energy on).Report
What the hell, why not? I’m less than halfway through the second book and I already found out from LOOG that Jaime loses his hand later on.
Given where I’m at in the books, I’m thinking that it’s totally gonna come down to Ayra Stark going hermana-a-hermana with Daenerys Targaryen for all the marbles, I can just smell it coming.Report
I got spoiled on that, too. But it totally worked out because I kept asking myself when it was going to happen. It was suspenseful, waiting for that hammer to fall.Report
Wait, he lost his HAND???!!!
Crap, I need to read faster.Report
I’ve had that spoiled five or six times now, and I’m still only 1/4 the way through A Clash of Kings.Report
If nobody’s spoiled RW, then this site is still good.
*evil kitty*Report
Y’all are not supposed to read the damn spoilers.Report
I find Brienne pretty fascinating – have you gotten to her yet?Report
I positively cannot wait to see what they do with her in the TV show, if it makes it that far.Report
The role is already cast.
Pretty good. I approve.Report
I have gotten to Brienne. What interests you?Report
Well…. for one thing I think a woman knight idolizing Renly that way is an interesting take on the conventions of chivalry and courtly love. I don’t know much about those things outside of White (and Malory)… but it definitely seems to ring all the same changes, while being completely subversive in some way. *imagines Brienne jousting with a favor tied to her lance*
But really, I’m just curious to hear other people’s take on one of my favorite characters.Report
Hmmm yes. I think this’ll make a good post. Stay tuned! I’m on it.Report
Politician who’s so devious he meets himself coming around corners is Littlefinger.Report
Sounds like the people demand a post about Tyrion.Report