Quote of the Day
“We’ve all met people who invoke Ayn Rand to justify behaving like a sociopath in their personal relationships. I’d still recommend that any adolescent suffering from Catholic guilt read the passages about Hank and Lillian Reardon’s relationship as a primer on a kind of manipulation to which they should never succumb.In typically ego-maniacal fashion, Rand use[d] to insist that her philosophy must either be accepted or rejected wholly. Her most sycophantic devotees and her staunchest critics both make the curious mistake of believing her.”
Interesting point.
But what should be who benefit from Catholic guilt do?
It’s not perfect. But it evolved for a reason.Report
We’ve all met people who invoke Ayn Rand to justify behaving like a sociopath in their personal relationships.
The last four words are superfluous.Report
We’ve all met people who invoke Ayn Rand to justify behaving like a sociopath in their personal relationships.
We have?
I’ve met exactly one person who has called himself an Objectivist unironically. Nice guy. He brewed his own beer and gave about half of it away (if you wanted to keep getting it, though, you had to either give him the bottles back or buy him new ones).
I mean, seriously. Just one.
Now, I’m not counting the intertubes because, Lord knows, everybody there is cray-ay-ay-ay-zee and finding someone who calls himself an X (for any value of X) and finding out that this person acts like a sociopath on messageboards is common to the point of it not being particularly interesting.Report