Marco Rubio
Here’s Rubio’s acceptance speech after he beat not only Democratic challenger Kendrick Meek, but also the slimy, mercurial Charlie Crist.
There’s no two ways about this – Rubio is going to be a force in conservative politics in years to come. I think he’s actually a much more natural and convincing speaker than Obama, while sharing a similarly compelling personal narrative. Regardless of political differences, I find him quite earnest and likeable. He has broad appeal, as they say.
The insta-personality-cult popping up around Rubio the last year or so is hilarious coming from the folks who warned about Obamabots or whatever. Not lumping you in with this at all (I agree he’s a talented politician), just chuckling at NRO’s new crush. If it were up to me, using phrases like “reclaim America” (how so? he’s replacing a Republican) and irrationally disputing scientific consensus would keep someone from becoming a force in politics, but oh well.Report
Rubio wins big
but I want to see him govern
ere I call him greatReport
But for President Obama’s victory, the Senate would probably still be viewed as a death chamber for Presidential dreams. That’s one of the reasons Obama ran when he did, rather than waiting potentially eight more years by which time he would have a typical Senate résumé filled with compromises, backtracking, and contradictions. It’s reasonable to infer that to be one of the reasons Evan Bayh got out of the Senate, even at risk of looking like a quitter who has accomplished nothing since his departure.
If Obama is reelected, Rubio has just over four years to make himself a viable Republican Presidential nominee. If not, no matter how capable a politician he may be, he’s likely to be a lot less exciting ten years from now. As the song goes, “Where you been lately? There’s a new kid in town.”Report
I’m curious to see how he fares with orthodox Roman Catholics voters, specifically whether or not they will hold against him his having left the Catholic Church and joined a non-denominational place of worship. I’ve seen a few posts in the last day drawing attention to his apparent change of religious practice, but I don’t know if the news will negatively affect many Catholics’ perceptions of him.Report