Another casualty of the recession…

Lisa Kramer

Lisa Kramer is a contributing contributor at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen.

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19 Responses

  1. Scott says:

    From the article it sounds as if the real reason is the city’s own mis-management not the recession. Even in the best of times, city has to be well run. Not to mention that Maywood is a sanctuary city and I doubt that the illegals help matters.Report

  2. Do you think it’s possible that a state can do the same thing? If so, California as a whole can’t be that far behind trendsetter Maywood.Report

  3. Lyle says:

    This whole issue raises the question of why mini-cities exist in the large urban areas. If you think about it it makes more sense to let the sheriff do the policing, as the overhead is spread across more area. Police and fire are best done on a wide area basis, the small city is because at one time someone was afraid of the big bad city of LA taking over. And to provide more chances for politicians to make money on zoning and the like.Report

    • Simon K in reply to Lyle says:

      @Lyle, Small cities provide some healthy variation in regulations and zoning that wouldn’t exist if the big conglomerations were just merged into their major cities. Its true that the big public safety services are probably better provided by the county, but I’d much rather have zoning, parking, parks, and schools handled closer to the consumer – round here at least it provides some healthy variation.Report

      • Lyle in reply to Simon K says:

        @Simon K, In Ca as elsewhere the schools have nothing to do with the municipality being a distinct layer of government, but again sooner or later the US will go to statewide school districts for efficiency.
        The small town does mean that the zoning can be run for the benefit of the politicians of the town who may well just happen to be in the real estate business. (That should be ruled a conflict of interest and banned)Report

  4. Mike Farmer says:

    I read where the city was ripping off illegals to raise revenues.Report

    • Simon K in reply to Mike Farmer says:

      @Mike Farmer, Seems at one point they were exploiting civil forfeiture rules to take cars from illegal immigrants, but since became a “sanctuary city”. Obviously they have a big illegal population – not surprising the city is badly run when they have a choice between persecuting a big chunk of their population and pretending they don’t exist.Report

      • Scott in reply to Simon K says:

        @Simon K,

        I guess by persecuting you mean enforcing the law? The article doesn’t say that the cops just busted illegals only or just Hispanics. I guess the real point is that you shouldn’t break the law.Report

        • Simon K in reply to Scott says:

          @Scott, I’m talking about using civil forfeiture as a method of revenue raising to make up for the fact the city doesn’t get normal tax and fee revenue from many of its residents. Regardless of what you think of it, its not enforcing the law since its a purely civil procedure. I doubt the city cops spend much time “busting” illegals.Report

  5. Rufus says:

    Upstate New York has had the same problem for years. I remember at one point Erie County was cutting back on services: closing some libraries, cutting trash pickup in half, limiting 9.1.1. services, etc. People were, naturally, up in arms. “I love my library and I vote!” bumper stickers were popular. Eventually the state caved. They still can’t afford these services. Now they’re trying to raise money by adding a tax to soda pop. People are furious. So the two messages are: 1. “Dont’ raise our taxes!” and 2. “Don’t cut our services!” And they tend to come from the same people in my experience.Report

    • Mike Schilling in reply to Rufus says:

      @Rufus, The city and county I live in both just voted parcel taxes to support the libraries. It required two-thirds, too.

      And they tend to come from the same people in my experience.

      The same ones who think that BP has a moral obligation to further screw over the residents of the Gulf, so as to protect their shareholders.Report

      • Rufus in reply to Mike Schilling says:

        @Mike Schilling, Well, I think Ms Kramer’s right about Democrats wanting to preserve services and Republicans wanting to cut taxes. In my experience though the average voter’s opinion is something like, “They should cut taxes and increase services! After all, we voted for them!”Report

        • Scott in reply to Rufus says:


          No, Repubs don’t like the typical Dem reaction to everything which is to first raise taxes instead of first deciding if gov’t really needs to be paying for everything and seeing if you can actually cut unnecessary expenses.Report

  6. Dave says:

    There have been stories kicking around for at least the last 12 months or so involving the possibility of bankrupt municipalities (most of which I hear through the financial press as these stories tend to involve the likelihood of default on any outstanding municipal bonds).

    While not nearly as drastic a situation as this one, I remember hearing about drastic cuts in services taking places (or pending) in Colorado Springs after voters rejected an increase in property taxes.

    Making matters worse at the state level are the unfunded pension obligations.Report

    • Jaybird in reply to Dave says:

      @Dave, the drastic cuts in Colorado Springs have resulted in fewer police on patrol, so they’ve enlisted taxi cabs as “COP” (citizens on patrol) or something like that. Basically roving vehicles that call whenever they see something shady.

      Many street lights have been turned off but *YOU* can adopt a streetlight for a couple hundred dollars and ensure that it’s turned on.

      The newspaper ran a bunch of letters to the editor from local businessmen that said “our managers make X dollars a year… why are your managers making 5X a year? This is a spending problem!!!”

      And, surprising everyone, the city has not gone to hell in a handbasket.Report