Meet the People Who Wrecked Your Civil Liberties
They’re desperately incompetent morons with a taste for porn and bestiality. Yes, there’s propaganda value in showing the dumber side of al Qaeda. But we gave up habeas corpus for fear of them?
by Jason Kuznicki · June 16, 2010
They’re desperately incompetent morons with a taste for porn and bestiality. Yes, there’s propaganda value in showing the dumber side of al Qaeda. But we gave up habeas corpus for fear of them?
Tags: al-Qaedacivil liberties
Jason Kuznicki
Jason Kuznicki is a research fellow at the Cato Institute and contributor of Cato Unbound. He's on twitter as JasonKuznicki. His interests include political theory and history.
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Unfortunately, we’re faced with the problem of symmetrical idiocy. Substitute “airport personnel” for “Al Qaeda” and you’ve probably got a fair description of the foibles of airport security:
I presume we all know the story about time zones and the Bay of Pigs.Report
Yeah, when I read the first sentence I assumed there was some scandal at DHS.Report
I’ve been thinking for a while that we need some new Looney Tunes making fun of Al-Quaida.Report
@Rufus, make sure that Mohammed doesn’t show up lest cars armed with makeshift bombs show up in Times Square.
(Remember when the above would have been seen as slanderous?)Report
The surest way to lose is to underestimate your enemy and fail to respect them. They are human as we are and therefore subject to being as stupid and as devious as we are. Look at the US attitude toward the Japs in WW2 and what our underestimation cost us.Report
@Scott, Before the war Americans thought little of the Japanese so they were very possibly contemptuous and not ready. But once the war started American soldiers had , for quite a while, an almost superhuman view of the Japanese. They inflated their abilities as fighters, which did not help, if anything it hurt morale and confidence to think the Japanese were born to fight in the jungle, etc. Accuracy is a better option then either over or under inflating opinions.Report
I’d add that *they* didn’t take our civil liberties away, it was *Americans* who did that.Report