Monthly Archive: January 2010
The Wu Tang/Beatles Mash-Up You’ve Been Waiting For
To quote Raekwon’s twitter feed, it’s “a ill mxtpe.”
Life Imitating Art…Apple Style?
With today’s launch of the Apple iPad, this old MadTV sketch takes on a new meaning. Warning: NSFW
Don’t disenfranchise foreign NBA fans
In lieu of discussing more serious matters (Citizens United, health care, “Jersey Shore”), I’d like to direct your attention to the pressing issue of NBA All Star voting. After Tracy McGrady’s hobbled corpse nearly...
Forget The President, He’s Not That Important (On Domestic Policy)
The interspheres have been aglow with the leaking of a planned spending freeze proposal by the Obama Administration. A run down of various opinions can be found in Scott’s post. Scott writes: This is politics...
Helping Hands
I’m a poor substitute for Tyler Cowen, but since Sonny Bunch is soliciting comments on this post, I thought I’d chime in. The argument Bunch links to is pretty simple: We should think twice...
Will the last person to leave the newsroom please turn out the lights?
Newsday erects a pay wall. 35 people subscribe. Newspaper editors collectively shudder. Total cost of Newsday’s failed experiment? A cool four million dollars.
We Are All Mannings Now
So, I was looking forward to joining the rest of the country in rooting for the Saints in two weeks. Really, I was. Then this &#$#(@!$)% had to open his mouth and remind me...
You Can Safely Blame “Centrism” for Most of Our Fiscal Problems
Dana Milbank’s column in today’s Washington Post is impressively incoherent: The federal debt has exploded to an incomprehensible $12.1 trillion, and the nation continues on its path to becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of...
This Is the Title of a Link to an Incendiary Blog Post
This is the single-greatest blog post and comment thread since Jim Henley wrote the greatest blog post of all time. Via Patrick at Popehat.
From Kazakhstan With Love: A Lesson in Multipolarity
From Simon Shuster, reporting for Time: Then, on Jan. 19, three weeks into the dispute, Kazakhstan stepped in with a game-changing offer. It said that if Russia refuses to provide oil to the Belarussian...
“The Movement”
I know the “teabaggers” are supposed to represent some combination of incipient fascism and no-nothing economic sloganeering, but this New Yorker profile makes the whole thing seem awfully benign.
Like eminent domain, but with guns and spaceships
Of all the too-close readings of “Avatar’s” stilted politics, I enjoyed David Boaz’s take the most. He argues that the film should be interpreted as a straightforward defense of interstellar property rights.
“It is inconceivable – repeat, inconceivable – to get a world recession.”
The Washington Post assembles a list of the most spectacularly wrong predictions from the Davos Economic Forum.
The Best Conan Postmortem
Like every other cynical 20-something, I admit to being temporarily enthralled by NBC’s late night wars. Michael Ian Black explains why Conan’s abrupt departure resonates with us:
The Boss Tweed-ization of national politics
“Reformers should be focusing on lifting limits on the flow of money from parties to candidates and restoring the role of the parties as the funders of campaigns. Instead of Candidate Smith asking Donor...
One Last Word on Citizens United
It’s clear that opinions on Citizens United are pretty hardened, but if you don’t agree with my take, perhaps you’ll listen to Glenn Greenwald, whose post on the subject is definitive.
Must-Read of the Day
From Evgeny Morozov (at Foreign Policy), commenting on Sec. Clinton’s recent speech on the Internets. Dude hits it out the park. Money quote: