Monthly Archive: November 2009

Personal Politics

Since the wattage of Palin-mania is currently at full blast, causing rolling blog brown outs, I think it’s worth stepping back for a second and discussing what is and isn’t valuable information when studying...

The Monks of Mount Athos

I was lucky enough to visit Mount Athos when my parents lived in Thessaloniki, and the trip has stayed with me for a long time. National Geographic has an article on the monasteries and...

quote for the day II

“Since the Dish has tried to be rigorous and careful in analyzing Palin’s unhinged grip on reality from the very beginning – specifically her fantastic story of her fifth pregnancy –  we feel it’s...

Gay marriage and religious liberty ctd.

“E.D., please note, is a supporter of same-sex marriage, and believes the Catholic Church is very wrong to oppose it. But he’s starting to see that gay marriage really is a threat to religious...

my thoughts exactly

Commenter “SmartHippo” on the mixed martial arts forum: My feelings towards MMA are kind of similar to my feelings toward metal. I love metal, and I respect it. I do, in one sense,...

For the record

Predictably enough, Obama has attracted some nonsensical criticism for reiterating his support for the “one-China” principle. So it’s worth remembering that Bush not only opposed formally recognizing Taiwanese independence, he was actually criticized for...

Our Twitterific Future

A few weeks ago, I lamented my inability to finish long, difficult books. Over at First Thoughts, Jared Bridges offers a more hopeful interpretation of our changing reading habits.

Bill Belichek, Randian Superhero

Though my heart belongs to the Redskins, I am an unabashed Patriots apologist (I mean, you have to find a team to root for in the playoffs, right?). I admire their consistency. I admire...

You say Obama, I say Osama

I read this post over at The Dish and quite honestly thought it said “Obama” and not “Osama.”  Which changes everything, of course.  Read the following passage substituting the word Osama with Obama: Paul...