Monthly Archive: August 2009


Everyone should read Ezra Klein’s interview with Sen. Lindsay Graham.  It’s good, and it should briefly give you hope that maybe there’s room for some kind of health care reform that actually makes sense...

localism and free trade

Nathan has returned to blogging with quite a bloggy manifesto on some of my favorite topics – namely, localism, capitalism, and the struggle between free trade and the cultural side-effects of a consumerist, corporatist...

science blegs

1. If baryons and electrons and some other of the subatomic particles are only a small percentage of the stuff that constitutes the universe, why is it that they are the only thing that...

Friday Genius Ten

One thing I’ve tried to do with regularity at my own digs is a “Friday Genius Ten.”  The idea is pretty straightforward: you choose one song from your iTunes and run the “Genius” program,...

Wyden-Bennett (again)

The Wyden-Bennett “Healthy Americans Act” really is the most sensible health-care reform bill out there right now.  I don’t think health care reform is a hill worth dying on for conservatives (there are other,...