Monthly Archive: August 2009
do the evolution
Continuing the discussion Chris began earlier, Scott asks: Erik, in Chris’ opening salvo, he mentions his general disdain for the current political parties and the role they play in US politics as one driving...
Real Postmodern Politics
(H/t John Robb for turning me on to this). As a brief followup to what I wrote earlier today on how all the typical definitions of political philosophies (liberalism, conservatism, libertarianism) are all modern...
Singapore & Mandatory Savings
Will Wilkinson picks up on the ongoing Singapore discussion. I alluded to something similar here. Indeed, the way to transform both our health care, our social security, and our national savings could be found...
circumcision at the Daily Dish
The Daily Dish’s guest bloggers continue to post on circumcision. Yet they continue to ignore what to me is the central issue regarding these studies, the vastly different rates of infection between sub-Saharan Africa,...
Without Political Form: Narrato-Political Self-Critique
Br. Mark last week crafted an excellent post criticizing his own political views which generated some interesting back-and-forth commentary. It comes highly recommended. Mark asked other members of the League if they might follow...
Internet Explorer 8
If you are having difficulties with posts being cut off and you are using Internet Explorer, please download the latest version – IE 8 – which should take care of the problem. It’s also...
Please offer up feedback on site design issues, bugs, etc. in the comments. I’ve done a bit of reworking of single posts to help readability and so forth. Thanks!
I hope I’m not jeopardizing E.D. Kain’s perch at New Majority (congrats, E.D.!), but I do take issue with David Frum’s selective appreciation for one of my favorite 19th century political movements. In addition...
Guns don’t kill people, but far-right extremists do
With rifle-toting protesters showing up at various rallies and town halls around the country, there’s been a lot of worry – mostly on part of liberals – that these demonstrations could erupt into serious...
Why I won’t dismiss Matt Taibbi…
I want to congratulate Matt Taibbi for his First Amendment Award for Outstanding Journalism: Best Reporter award. I think that both The Big Takeover and The Great American Bubble Machine cover territory not ventured into...
Symposium on Universal Health Care
Read a wide range of views on whether it’s time for conservatives to embrace universal coverage over at New Majority.
Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009
What Dylan said. And Annie Laurie too. Also, if you have the time, you should check out the Miller Center of Public Affairs (full disclosure: I work for the Center) for its resources on...
a brief note on this Katie Roiphe business
If you’re not one to travel in feminist blogs, you may not have heard that there was some controversy over this post in Double X by Katie Roiphe, in which she talks about how...
I Give Up
If there was ever even the faintest glimmer of hope for Wyden-Bennett or any other kind of meaningful health care reform proposal amenable to conservative and libertarian sensibilities, the Club For Growth just killed...
don’t tell people what to do with their foreskin, thanks
Hanna Rosin continues to polish her trophy as the least thoughtful person, and worst reader, to ever blog in any capacity for the Atlantic. In a post as hectoring as its title, Rosin writes,...
If I Were a Fan of Dick Cheney…
I wouldn’t be so quick to claim that yesterday’s document dump in any way vindicates Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (or, as the rest of the world calls them, Torture). In fact, if I were a...
Sensible Observations
One of the nice things about transitioning out of academic life and into professional life (if only temporarily) is that I suddenly have a surfeit of leisure time, and among other things, I’m using...