Daily Archive: June 30, 2009

Too funny

Just click here and read the post and the comments.  I guess it’s economic news.

They’re coming to get you Barbara…

Why is it that when I think of people who still continue to argue that the Community Revinvestment Act (“CRA”) played some role in the financial crisis, I think of zombie movies?  This, however, has...

Why I Hate the US Press Corps

After starting the daily briefing with a question about the president’s response to Michael Jackson’s death, the questions for Gibbs quickly shifted to what is becoming one of the most hotly contested sub-debates in...

Talking Carbon Tariffs

Here’s Paul Krugman, defending the proposed Waxman-Markey carbon tariffs: What’s happening here, I think, is that people are relying on what Paul Samuelson called an economic “shibboleth” — they’re relying on some slogan rather...