Daily Archive: June 4, 2009

excellent well, you are a fishmonger

“The less/fewer distinction isn’t really that hard to learn, but it would be much easier to not have to bother. I can’t think of any situations in which the existence of the two different...

NBA Finals Open Thread

Got any wild predictions? Irresponsible betting advice? An over/under for the number of times Kobe sneers at no one in particular after draining another nasty jumper? I’m tentatively picking the Lakers in six, but...

(Comedic) Quote of the Day

“[In the year 3,000] Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge to create one super-giant time wasting website called:  YOU-TWIT-FACE.” –Conan O’Brien Bonus genius David Letterman takedown of the NBC “Inside the White House” special. ...

a quote for a sunny morning

“An African-American President with Muslim roots stands before the Muslim world and defends the right of Jews to a nation of their own in their ancestral homeland, and then denounces in vociferous terms the...