around the web on May 20th
- Paul Romer envisions Hong Kong like city-states for developing countries.
- Stephen Walt discusses realism and tolerance, using DODT as a leaping point.
- Eric Brown and Darwin Catholic discuss bioethics, health care, and Catholic teaching at The American Catholic.
- Shafeen Chanaria wants kids to be exposed to the real world from a young age.
- John Médaille asks: “Does capitalism work?“
- H.C. Johns steps in for John Schwenkler and by way of introduction talks about the “gastronomical outlook of the Pythagoreans.”
- Jim Manzi analyzes Waxman-Markey so you don’t have to.
- What’s this about a booze tax?
- And David Frum, over at New Majority, reads three books on Rome – also, so that you don’t have to, though you should.
- This, via Rod Dreher, is sad and infuriating on so many levels I can barely link to it.