Impeachment Day One: Pack a Lunch, Gonna Be Here a While
The Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is underway in the Senate
The Impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is underway in the Senate
President Trump’s legal team for the impeachment trial has some very familiar names on it, including one of the biggest names from the last time we as a country did this.
Naming managers and transmitting articles, after a few weeks wait the Senate will finally get on with the impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump
Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she will be forwarding the Articles of Impeachment and name the Impeachment Managers next week.
While the country appears more divided than ever, I wonder if there are families like ours-those who felt that divide at one point. But now sit in silence.
So now we have an impeached president, a pending senate trial whose machinations are uncertain even if the outcome is not, and oh-by-the-way the Iowa caucuses and rest of the presidential primary is relentlessly coming towards us.
Use impeachment to appease the base. Then legislate while everyone is distracted by the West Wing-World Wrestling mashup.
The day has finally come: The House of Representatives is set to vote on the Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump.
The House Rules Committee will take up the procedural questions involved before the vote by the full House of Representatives on the two Articles of Impeachment.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of the FBI’s handling of its investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016 is out, and folks are pouring over the 476 pages.
Join the Ordinary Times Commentareum in following the latest House Judiciary Committee hearings in the impeachment process
For Nancy Pelosi and her historic freshman class, the time for strategy is rapidly ending and a point of decision is coming.
The House Judiciary Committee will be kicking off their portion of the impeachment inquiry.
Supporting impeachment doesn’t mean I think the Democrats truly believe in the rule of law, nor do I believe the Republicans truly believed in 1998.
The public impeachment hearings resume Friday morning, with former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch appearing before the House Intelligence Committee
The ratings are in for the first public impeachment hearings in 20 years
The first public hearings in House Democrats’ Impeachment inquiry are set to kick off today in the House Intelligence Committee.
Whistleblower sues the President of the United States over his treatment. No, not that whistleblower or president. Our Case of the Week, Nixon v. Fitzgerald
The movement to impeach President Trump is in some respects a movement for a kangaroo court. But we should support it anyway.