Class in 21st Century America
A discussion of class in America in the 21st Century through analysis of differential financial behavior as incentivized by the tax code
A discussion of class in America in the 21st Century through analysis of differential financial behavior as incentivized by the tax code
Despite its recent expansion, the BRICS ‘alliance’ is nothing more than vaporware. Claims of the death of the American-led world order have been greatly exaggerated.
I keep seeing this meme from social conservatives, and it is so wrong-headed it makes me grind my teeth. First, and probably the least negative impact, is that government has no constitutional authority to...
Friendly control of Taiwan is a core national security interest for the United States, and not just because of its economic heft. The strategic implications of the former Formosa go back over a century.
Not quite a year into the Biden Presidency, and pundits and commentators are trying to hang unliftable millstones around Joe Biden’s neck
Economist and OT contributor Jericho Hill draws on working in pro wrestling to explain media manipulation, political narratives, and economic storylines on the latest episode of the Heard Tell podcast.
A twist on the “we can’t hire anyone” headlines: Some workers are not moving out of the job market, but up and out of retail jobs.
Those who pretend scarcity doesn’t exist are playing you. Politicians utilize this one, but academics and journalists do it often as well.
Queue panic, articles and televised pundits loudly banging the inflation worries drum. However, there are reasons to not worry (right now)
Do generous welfare programs attract immigrants? A study from Denmark.
Sometimes, economics is cold and hard, all moral objections notwithstanding.
The key to successful government policy is through perverse incentive mitigation, usually through the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Video games, much like action figures, are a fascinating example to look at for the application of economic concepts in the real world.
Scarcity ties into a couple topics that few really understand. The biggest of these is the Accounting 101 concept of assets, liabilities, and equities.
Facing “the worst economic crisis since the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939,” the ruling socialist government is turning to UBI
The action figure market is one of the best case studies in the economic concept of value. Value is inherently an individual and subjective beast.
The virus gives us the opportunity to remake the economy. Some people are salivating at the prospect.
I believe we are seeing Sears happening on a larger scale with the United States. So why have Lampert & Trump gotten away with their bad leadership?
The Coronavirus Pandemic will change the world in many ways. We just don’t know how it will change.