The Future’s So Bright?
Nuclear fusion, if successful and widespread, would solve the ‘climate crisis’ Gen Z is so worried about
Nuclear fusion, if successful and widespread, would solve the ‘climate crisis’ Gen Z is so worried about
Out of this madness, Uhura appeared. A vision in red and black. Beautiful, smart as hell and not interested in nobody’s nonsense.
Putting the hysterics of the Daily Mail, Starnes, Boebert, and their followers aside, beef isn’t going anywhere.
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times’ long-running tradition of bringing you links to stories from around the interwebs to discuss, is back
Over at The Bellows, Emmet Penney and Adrián Calderón propose a Nuclear New Deal for solving both power grid issues and environmental concerns like climate change.
By proving people like myself – who have defended their motives as noble – wrong, the Left does irreparable damage to the cause of fighting climate change
In a little over a week, we will have an extra day in February. Why do we do this? Because the time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun is not exactly 365 days.
There are many assumptions that are being made about how people with Aspergers may feel or think about these issues, as well as how to interact with people on the Autism spectrum.
There is much about environmental sciences/climate change debate that I do not know much about. The water and air in West Virginia? That I know about.
In a seven-hour long candidate-by-candidate marathon on CNN, the Democratic candidates for President shared their policy proposals.
Which is exactly why, regardless of cause, adults should be slow if not completely adverse to putting children out in front of their political causes.
Symposium: Vote for the candidate who believes there’s a real existential crisis that has to be addressed.
The Democratic National Committee declined the calls by some to have a debate solely about climate change.
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced on Friday he will be running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2020.
One day, America will learn to not start social media outrages over short clips of video. Today is not that day, as Senator Diane Feinstein and her team found out.
How to deal with climate change, without saying “climate change.”
Within days of the Paris Agreement being signed, a climate change denier was elected. What now?
The world faces unprecedented ecological challenges, and humanity remains largely lethargic to respond. It’s time to adopt a new sense of ethics that acknowledge our collective effect on our pale blue dot, and which account for the quality of the land our progeny will inherit.
When headline writers use questions, Burt Likko answers them. Briefly, completely, and unabashedly expressing his own opinion. Ten questions about politics, the business of news, news of business, and grizzly bears.
Gawker’s Adam Weinstein and the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Lawrence Torcello have each come out for the criminalization of climate-change denial. I’m curious to know what readers here think of this.