Category: Economics
In Defense of World Governance
World governance is something no serious thinker would today endorse. This is unfortunate, because world government is the only hope for the long-term survival of the human race.
The Bright Side of Short Sellers
Short sellers helped focus attention on the practices of Lumber Liquidators.
How I Think You Should Try to Get into an Elite College, Part 2
How to get into an elite college while Asian
How I Think You Should Try to Get into an Elite College
“Well-rounded” may not mean what you think it means.
Dear Target: It’s Not Me, It’s You.
I used to think Target was way cooler than it’s rival Walmart. I don’t think that way anymore.
Would You Like Fries With That Midterm?
It’s not news that adjunct professors don’t get paid a lot. But it is at least remarkable when life imitates Breaking Bad.
On Public Transit
Hernando de Soto’s The Other Path illustrates how private transit services served the public’s needs and turned a profit.
The Gatekeepers and the Service Providers
Service providers need to decide whether they are impediments or helpers for their customers.
Linky Friday #72
Linky Friday: categories this week are sports and culture, art and nature, economics and politics, and war and peace.
Subsidized Birth Control and Matt Walsh’s Dubious Theory of Rights
Do you have a right to a product that must be provided to you through governmental coercion?
The Ethics and Incentives of Socialized Law
Noam Scheiber makes a radical suggestion. Eric Posner has lots of reasons why it’ll never work. Burt Likko says, “There’s a few things neither of you bright fellows have thought of.”
Frum Many, One
In a piece called “Robots Undercut the Case for More Immigrants” (seriously), David Frum argues that we shouldn’t let too many immigrants into the country because they will just be replaced by robots and therefore languish in intractable poverty.
This is wrong.
Meanwhile, Our Children Continue Their Undaunted Assault on Mammon…
I have a piece up at the Atlantic called “What’s Really Behind the Ever-Rising Cost of Raising a Child in America“. You should go read (and comment) there. To summarize: the cost of raising...
“Unfit to Work”
Both of my parents worked for General Motors “on the line” as they say. When I was about nine, Mom was out of work for two years because of muscle problems. Dad has similar...
“The biz ain’t what it used to be.”
(The above is a screenshot of the Atlantic’s homepage taken March 10th around 11:30PM. A recap of SNL skits sits next to an article about nuclear war and above a photo series depiciting international...
IMPORTant Statistics: The Value of Value-Added Metrics
My regular readers are aware that I am deeply irritated by what I see as a sort of New Orientalism creeping into discourse regarding the rise of East Asia as the center of global...
Sketching Out States in Fantasy: Two Cases from Avlis
As promised here are two cases from Avlis of magic equipped societies. I will begin with a (moderately) short description of each state, then compare the place of magic and its political economy. This...
The Arcana of Political Economy: A Follow-Up
Author’s Note: This post is a follow-up to my original post on the political economy of magic. It’s highly recommended that you read that original post and the discussion thread after. I’m happy to...