There Will Be No Attempt to Be Spoiler Free, Here
SPOILERS ABOUND. That said, if you participate on this thread, please use the anti-spoiler tool for your comments, as they can be reflected on the side bar on the front page.
SPOILERS ABOUND. That said, if you participate on this thread, please use the anti-spoiler tool for your comments, as they can be reflected on the side bar on the front page.
Many spoilers follow. Also, while my intention is to just talk about MY experience as a film-goer and not to get into feminist politics per se, that whole “personal is political” thing means that some folks may experience this as a political post. In keeping with the spirit of Mindless Diversions (and my own intentions), I’d encourage you not to read it as an argument, and not to respond with one. It’s just my story.
A series of impressions of the new Star Wars movie. Spoilers are included but blacked out.
The Force Awakens is a great, new story wrapped in a warm blanket of nostalgia.
If you’re stuck wondering what do I get for the person who has everything (or you just want to see what we think is cool), we’re here to help!
On the subtle distinctions between cash grabs and finding a richness and depth in a story that allows for another chapter to be written.
(It’s about the upcoming Rocky spin-off called “Creed”. Well, mostly about the movies that spun the upcoming movie off.)
Okay. I will try to not talk about Person of Interest except for one or two more times this year. After this, I mean.