Virus-Free Thursday Throughput
So as long as you don’t dive into the deep motion, dig a meter into the sand and then get intimate with it, you should be fine and not get Chlamydia
So as long as you don’t dive into the deep motion, dig a meter into the sand and then get intimate with it, you should be fine and not get Chlamydia
As much as I love the complex, there are times when I just don’t need to be stuffing yet more information into my already over-crowded cerebrum. So, yes, there are times when I’m in the mood for Hungry Hungry Hippos.
At some point, the media is going to have to learn how to properly use social media
The sheer number of planets in our Galaxy makes the existence of extraterrestrial life very likely. And the number of planets in our Galaxy — indeed the Universe — is not speculation; it is increasingly solid hairy fact.
In the end, COVID-19 is a very serious concern. It is infectious, it is spread easily by asymptomatic carriers and it can kill. But it is unlikely to be the end the world.
Whenever someone tells me that women can’t do math, I gently remind them that the term “computer” used to literally mean a roomful of women doing math
In a little over a week, we will have an extra day in February. Why do we do this? Because the time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun is not exactly 365 days.
Eugenics is a precise word. It does not mean “selective breeding”, which Dawkins — an award-winning Oxford biologist — seems to think it does.
From Hero of the Resistance to possible Presidential candidate to convicted felon, it’s been a long and awful fall from grace.
So, no, PZ39 is not a danger. This is not a sudden discovery that we are worried about. It’s not passing particularly close to us nor is it likely to. But the overall danger of objects like PZ39 — while low — is real.
I understand people are passionate about child abuse. But sentinel injuries worry me as a diagnostic tool. I think we’re looking at another triad.
Whether you agree with Alexander or not, he is pointing the Republicans to an exit ramp from this entire debacle. At least, in a semi-rational world. But we don’t live in that world. We don’t live in that world because of one person: Donald J. Trump.
So we’re still where we were two weeks ago: Betelgeuse might explode tomorrow. It might explode a hundred thousand years from now. But if it does explode soon, we will get the best look we’ve ever had at how stellar explosions work.
As with the Warren-Bernie spat, it’s a sign that we are moving toward a bitter fight between the populist wing of the party and the establishment wing.
The GOP still controls the vast majority of state legislatures and outnumbers the Democrats in states where they control both the governor’s house and the legislature. And that matters a lot.
Ultimately, this will not matter. This is another Twitter spat that will not move a single vote, no matter what the truth behind it. What’s more interesting is what it reveals.
I’m not saying that it’s aliens but…it’s probably not aliens. Hold on to your hats, folks. It’s gonna be a long one this week.
This was a strong year for Ordinary Times, with contributions from many different authors. It included strong debuts from new voices and dynamite content from our regular contributors
But regardless of which political tribe we pin this on, it’s a scary moment. Anti-semitism is never dead and never very far from us. The events of recent weeks are a stark reminder of that.
The dimming is interesting. But it doesn’t change the overall math at all. Betelgeuse could explode tomorrow. Or it could explode a thousand centuries from now.