

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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9 Responses


    kiel gajnu amikojn kaj influiu homoj en auxdo. mi sentas plej solan nun, ne proksime amikoj, kaj la situacio kun mia edzino. gxi doloras, esti honesta.Report

  2. Maribou says:

    I read Scalzi’s Collapsing Empire in a few hours the other day – if infodumpy space opera is your thing, I can highly recommend it.

    Likewise, if you like the idea of a Louisiana riverboat lowlife turn-of-the-century gorefest with tame and feral hippos, Gailey’s River of Teeth delivers on that premise delightfully.

    Yang’s Black Tides of Heaven, on the other hand, is subtle, complicated, and challenging. Loved it just as much as the others – more – but truly a whole different kettle of fish.

    (It may be obvious I’ve been catching up on my Hugo reading. Want to vote! Need to read more things!)Report

  3. Zac Black says:

    Scalzi’s one of those authors I know I’ll love but still haven’t gotten around to reading yet (even though I have Old Man’s War and Redshirts sitting on my bookshelf); what’s Collapsing Empire about?

    I got a good solid bunch of reading done over the last few weeks: I finally read the last third of that Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves, which I’d left off on a couple years ago, and then tore through Dan Simmons’ Hyperion (which is a stone classic, really great stuff) and then the Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O, a Stephenson collab with Nicole Galland that was a fun combo of fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction.Report

    • Maribou in reply to Zac Black says:

      @zac-black An Empire. That’s collapsing :D. (Well, it *is*…)

      No, seriously, it’s a very classical space opera in that there is a very old civilization built on certain principles and people going about from system to system and tons of political machinations and all of those things…. leavened with Scalzi’s sense of humor…. and there are multiple point of view characters, one of whom is the new Emperox, never intended to be an emperox, suddenly stuck being one, aaaaaand… I’m not sure how much more to say.

      There’s space ship stuff and political stuff and arguing and sex and stuff blowing up and sometimes it’s really funny and sometimes it’s quite depressing.

      And I am really looking forward to the next one.

      Without spoilers, were you happy with the ending of Seveneves? I’ve actually been warned off it quite stringently by someone who is insightful about such things and doesn’t think I actually want to read it, based precisely on the last third, so ever since then – even though I probably WON’T ever read it (this person has never warned me off anything else) – I’ve been mightily curious what everyone thinks about the book.Report

      • Zac Black in reply to Maribou says:

        Re: Seveneves, let me preface this by saying that I’m as big a fan of Neal Stephenson as they come, I’ve read every book of his except Zodiac at this point, but the man just doesn’t know how to end a book to save his life (it’s a quality I’ve noticed he has in common with Frank Herbert). That being said, I actually thought the end of Seveneves was one of his better ones. The main reason I’d left off previously is that the book is basically structured like a trilogy (and each part is about an average novel in length), and between parts two and three there’s a very large time jump, and I found the jump so disorienting it sort of threw me out of the book. In a weird way, though, coming back it a couple years later probably made it better because the characters and events of the first two parts are basically like the Bible of the world of the third part, and so having a memory of those things at something of a remove rather than them having just happened, so to speak, made the vibe of the last part work a lot better for me than it might have otherwise.Report

  4. James K says:

    I saw the first episode of Wellington Paranormal on Wednesday, it’s a spin-off of What we do in the Shadows, focusing on the two cops that briefly appeared in that movie. It’s done in the style of those police reality TV shows and is hilarious. I highly recommend it, assuming you are ever able to watch it.Report

  5. Aaron David says:

    Reading The Dawn Watch, Joseph Conrad in a Global World. Just started it, but so far so good. Further convinces me that Conrad was the greatest writer of the 20th century.Report