Rachel Maddow
It’s been years since I’ve watched more than a brief clip of a nighttime talking heads show. I just can’t do it without my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Tonight, with pretty much nothing else on, I found myself watching Rachel Maddow. I have to say – she’s fantastic, and seriously a breath of fresh air. She’s funny and extremely fair to her guests (her interview with Ron Paul was particularly interesting to me, as it demonstrated a very real willingness to understand her ideological opposites), yet more than willing to call bullshit on the type of things, like terrorism, where the Beltway Establishment usually treat the Cheney wing of the GOP as if they were oracles of some sort. It also helps that when she’s calling bullshit, she’s pretty damn funny doing it.
I like Maddow, generally more on foreign policy than domestic but yeah I just try to avoid cable news in general. That said, the daily howler’s takedowns of the MSNBC crowd just kind of proves that those who live by the snark…Report
Yeah, Maddow is the best that I have watched. I can’t really add to what you have said. I just don’t get to watch her show often enough.Report
I like her too. Even though everything she thinks is completely wrong, you still get the sense there’s a real person there. It helps that she works on the same network as Keith Olbermann, where the contrast is unmistakable.Report
Maddow is great. she is genuinely smart and far, far above the standard of honesty in cable news.Report
I think ‘fair’ is a very good word to describe Maddow. She’s unapologetically liberal but she will blast her fellow Libs just as hard as the folks on the Right.Report
I like Maddow but I’m still a Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert fan when it comes to choosing. I know that’s “fake news” and all that, but I still get the sense that those two are the most honest pundits out there.Report
Whatever pretense of respectability Maddow gets for her usual behavior is usually squandered by the fact that she continues to treat Pat Buchannan as a credible voice on…sorry any subject.Report
I’m waiting, but not holding my breath, for the day Keith Olberman has a guest that opposes his point of view. I’m serious, I don’t think Olberman has ever had anyone on his show that was not a suck-up. Oh, I like Keith well enough.Report
What I find amazing is how she lets Ron Paul finish thoughts. She simply doesn’t interrupt him. Pretty unheard of on cable news these days. I don’t have a TV, but my parents watch her every night and I enjoy catching her when I’m at their place.Report
And it helps that she has a great sense of humor. Not like “i’m trying to make a joke,” but more like, “i am genuinely amused.”Report