

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com

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7 Responses

  1. Maribou says:

    Tomorrow will mostly be spent lying in the gravity chair with Tiger as we both half-pay attention to Jay’s cooking noises.

    Saturday, see above.

    Sunday, who knows but probably some ST:TNG with C, over at Dman’s house.Report

  2. fillyjonk says:

    This is my last weekend without Big Commitments for a little while (next weekend: All The Grading, following weekend, graduation, after that, some traveling) so I am taking it totally off and not doing any work-work. Probably staying at home and knitting.Report

  3. Kimmi says:

    Returning to a restaurant that my friend’s field agent swears has been completely redone (kind of a shame, I liked the dive bar theme for a crackin’ good woodfired pizza place in the middle of nowhere), some sort of data transmission thing that I’m carefully not asking too many questions about (although it may involve birds), hiking, seeing three feature films in a row on Sunday (JFilm), and going for a picnic (by visiting the General Store which was some sort of bribe/concession and thus is now in business AND making a profit because the profit-clause hasn’t kicked in).

    Busy weekend!Report

  4. dragonfrog says:

    I apparently don’t have anything much scheduled for the weekend. I don’t entirely trust this.

    Fledermaus and kiddo went Wednesday night to her parents’ for her dad’s approximate birthday, and will be there until Sunday night. Mr. T is working out of town Friday, and heading out Saturday evening to do some work at his mom’s on Sunday.

    So, it’s going to be awful quiet around the house. Except for cat mrowowrowling – the kitten appears to have gone into heat. At least she doesn’t seem to be a pee-on-all-the-things heaty kitty.

    Probably I’ll do some laundry, bake bread, and drink wine in the bathtub.

    There’s a Sunday-morning tai chi / dance party thingy I might go to if I’m not feeling too luxuriously lazy.Report

  5. Morat20 says:

    Let’s see, had lawn guy out today for estimates on laying sod on the dead half of my yard, and estimates on dealing with the trees shading the dead half of my yard. And also the other trees. (Yard died due to drought. Won’t regrow due to shade. Iffy on whether laying new grass down will work with shade).

    Currently trying to decide which trees to cut, which to trim, and and how much to trim. Front yard is easy — big but simple job. Backyard is several fully mature, healthy trees with too much shade — and too entangled with power and phone lines those companies keep ‘forgetting’ to come trim.

    Honestly hoping to just lose one of the four problematic backyard trees and then trimming back the others.

    Also had plumber out — probably could have fixed that myself, but personal experience says “If it can leak water where you can’t see it, it’s cheaper to have plumbers do it — and if they screw up, they’ll repair the damage”.. Roofers soon. Expensive home owning year, looks like.Report

  6. Miss Mary says:

    Um, if I lived in your area, I would be attending that gaming night. Sounds delish!

    My sister, niece, and nephew just left town this morning to head back to California. I’d like to make the trip to see them in a few weeks, but I have to get permission from the surrogacy team. Ugh.

    I will spend half the day Saturday doing a glucose tolerance test at the hospital for surrobabe. Typical test to do as I’m 26 weeks along, but not really how I want to spend my Saturday morning. If there aren’t any concerns I have gestational diabetes, I will celebrate. But if there are, I’ll have to spend Sunday researching what to do if I have gestational diabetes.Report

  7. North says:

    I need to visit for gaming night.
    I have to work over the weekend. But then I’m wrapping up a campaign.Report