Monthly Archive: February 2020
Celebrating Life with a Pocket Full of Death
I’m not a fan of social functions. I make it a habit to avoid them. I’ve been to a whole mess of funerals. Those are less avoidable.
Sunday Morning! Hollywood’s Eve and Eve’s Hollywood
On the once forgotten Hollywood storyteller and the recent biography that reminded us of her own story.
The Irish General Election: A Guide for Folks From A Land Beyond the Wave
Ireland is currently going to the polls. But to our friends across the world, it might seem very confusing – what do all these Irish words mean?
Saturday Morning Gaming: Getting Good, Somehow
I went back to play some old games and, apparently, got better at them in my absence?
Stakes and Satiability – Part 1
Here you go, a vampire story in the style of Jane Austen, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Weekend Plans Post: Burrowing In
It has been evening all afternoon.
It is snowing.
And it is going to snow.
Politico Reports “An Unsettling New Theory: There Is No Swing Voter”
From Politico: An Unsettling New Theory: There Is No Swing Voter What if everything you think you know about politics is wrong? What if there aren’t really American swing voters—or not enough, anyway, to...
Good Intentions, Lessons Learned
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. After serving my community for over a decade in politics I learned exactly what that meant
Thursday Throughput: Solar Boil Edition
I understand people are passionate about child abuse. But sentinel injuries worry me as a diagnostic tool. I think we’re looking at another triad.
The Last Day: Impeachment Endgame
Sometime this afternoon, the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is going to come to an end.
Two Great Cases: Of Wheat, Weed, and Wickard
In which a farmer from Ohio and a very sick woman from California, across the generations, test the notion of the limited nature of Federal power.
State of the Union: Pre-game, Live Thread, and Reax
President Donald Trump will give the State of the Union speech before the House that impeached him and the Senate that will vote to acquit him tomorrow.