Monthly Archive: May 2019
Virtue Signaling the Civil War
How we look at the Civil War has changed in the last few years. This is good-and bad.
Linky Friday: Lies, Damn Lies, and Interactive Statistics
Interactive and animated data graphics are all the rage; lets play, that is, let us learn about various topics with this exciting medium.
Scouting, Moving Forward, Struggles to Carry its Baggage
It is possible that scouting’s heyday is past. Its admirable attempts to be more inclusive and evolve and change with the times in other ways may have been untenable to those clinging to the tradition the scouts represent.
Mother Sued for Uncovering Abuse
The School Board and all involved are entitled to defend themselves, but decision to counter-attack the mother because she exposed the atrocities happening in that classroom is a ruthless and tasteless move on behalf of a body of public servants.
Wednesday Writs for May 1st
Even in the early 70s, lawyers arguing at SCOTUS didn’t get very far before being peppered with questions. Ginsburg argued for 11 straight minutes.