Daily Archive: January 24, 2016

Dissecting Paul Krugman’s Bernie backlash: Being a Sanders skeptic doesn’t make you a hack – Salon.com

They remember how critical Krugman was of candidate Obama in the 2008 primary; and they remember that he was the “anti-Obama” during the president’s first few years in office. But they also remember that Krugman ultimately came to write an influential Rolling Stone piece in the president’s defense. They believe that the Democratic Party establishment is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, Sanders’ chief opponent. They figure Krugman, now firmly back in the establishment’s clutches, is following suit.

Again, it’s not a wild or outrageous narrative. It doesn’t require imagining Krugman is part of a coordinated campaign, devised in some dark and shadowy conference room — perhaps the one the Springfield Republican Party uses — with elevating Clinton, and thwarting Sanders, as its goal. But it’s still wrong; and it misremembers (or misrepresents) not only Krugman’s positions in the past and today, but also, by proxy, the position of Sanders-skeptic lefties in general.

From: Dissecting Paul Krugman’s Bernie backlash: Being a Sanders skeptic doesn’t make you a hack – Salon.com

Dr. Joseph Waligore’s Latest

Ben Franklin was not a non-religious “deist.” But neither was he a traditional orthodox Christian. For some cutting edge research that sheds light on Franklin’s actual religious beliefs, click on the link.