The formula that I had when I was a kid was this:
Daylight saving time means that:
- You have to wake up an hour earlier.
- You have to go to school an hour earlier.
- You have to go to bed an hour earlier.
- The only upside is that you get to go home from school an hour earlier.
Now that “school” has evolved into “work”, I see no need to update the formula particularly.
*PLUS* there’s the whole “Congress lengthened it ostensibly to save energy” but the research showed that energy was not, in fact, saved (and there are arguments that it used *MORE* than without it) has me absolutely befuddled. Who benefits here? I know the stories from people who say things like “I like mowing my lawn on a Wednesday afternoon when I get home from work!” and other odd things that, you’d think, would not be a reason to make someone who has never done anything to you get up an hour earlier.
It’s like we make everybody except for Arizona suffer Jet Lag. So that one guy can mow his lawn earlier.
This is not the way the world should be.
Anyway, this weekend is going to try to be a downtime weekend after the intensity of the last weekend followed by the intensity of the week. I’ve got a date planned on Friday night that involves Maribou and a bottle of wine. (I don’t know what she’ll be drinking.) After that… well, we’ll see if “the usual” can’t be hastened so that “laundry” can’t be the order of the day for the rest of the weekend.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Photo is “Footrace finish line, 1925” from the Seattle Municipal Archives, used under a creative commons license)
Yep, I’ve gotten fed up with DST as well. It may have served a purpose originally (dubious) but no longer. End it. It was just getting light when I was going to work and then we spring ahead and it’s back to darkness again. Additionally, there are more cars on the road now. More dumb asses to deal with.Report
Drive me nuts, especially when trying to coordinate meetings with European colleagues.Report
Does anyone in DC want to hang out on the afternoon of Monday the 30th? Or the evening?
Clancy is walking around, albeit slowly. I haven’t been this excited about someone in the family walking around since Lain first started.
She’s in the middle of 21 straight days of working, sadly.Report
I grew up in Saskatchewan, which also does not practice the perversion of DST. It’s maddening. If you want to get up early in Summer, fantastic, get up early. Don’t insist the rest of the world pretend with you that the sun slept in.
Fledermaus is heading out of town for work for a couple of weeks, leaving with Kiddo Saturday morning.
There’s a protest against Canada’s federal bill C-51 Saturday (the “spy on everyone and expand the definition of ‘terrorism’ so much that Greenpeace and the Sierra Coalition will probably be terrorist organizations” bill), which I’ll try to go to. Saturday might also be my best chance to get fixed up a bike I’ve promised to lend to someone next week, so there will be some schedule pressure.Report
Dinner and a movie with a friend last night and working the second job all weekend. My son usually accompanies me to the second job, but he’s at his fsther’s this weekend, so last night’s movie was a grown up one!Report
It looks like lighting is going to be a steadily decreasing percentage of our energy usage over the next several years, so it seems like it will be harder and harder to justify it on energy grounds. My 5 bedroom house now has only one non-LED light in it. I’m starting to see a lot of households making the transition in a way they didn’t when CFLs came out (many transitioned to halogens because CFLs suck).
I don’t think this is changing as fast on the industrial or commercial side yet, but when it hits the tipping point, it will be another major blow to lighting as a driver of energy consumption. Heating and cooling already dominate it and are likely to become a larger and larger percentage of it. I don’t know if there’s a good way to screw with the clocks to reduce those costs. It would be good to see people who run office buildings figure out that keeping the AC set to 68 degrees is not just wasteful but uncomfortable and unproductive.Report
I don’t really follow the kerfuffle over DST. It sucks for approximately one night (the first Sunday is hard when your body says it’s 10pm and the clock says it’s 11pm and bedtime). After that, yeah, I love the extra hour of daylight in the evening. It just seems like I get a LOT more done.
This weekend we have dinner with friends at our favorite German restaurant. We finally remembered to reserve two slices of the strawberry napoleon they are famous for and always run out of before we get arrive. Saturday night looks like a really fun UFC card. Other than that, just lots of nothing. Hoping to watch some episodes of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt which I have been hearing good things about.Report
It’s great for people on the 9-5 schedule. For those of us on the 7-3, it’s annoying as hell to have the sun suddenly vanish in the mornings again for another month or so, especially those of us in the PNW, where winter/early spring sun is such an important thing.
I honestly wish WA would go the AZ route and just drop DST.Report
Washington and Oregon would need to do it together. Would probably want Idaho’s cooperation, too.Report
Oregon is working on it! Let’s hope one of the bills goes somewhere.Report
I don’t mind the transition half as much as I mind the disappearance of the sun in the morning.Report
I have no trouble with businesses having different summer and winter hours. Just admit that you’re running your business at different times, instead of pretending it’s a time that it isn’t.Report
For me it sucks for about a week. My sleep cycle is very inflexible, so adjusting to a new time takes about a week of feeling terrible because I’m low on sleep.Report
I love the extra hour of daylight in the evening. It just seems like I get a LOT more done.
Yep, this is me as well.
Hoping to watch some episodes of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt which I have been hearing good things about.
It’s a very funny show. And you’ll get the theme song stuck in your head.Report
I had (very minor) surgery on Wednesday, and so I took the rest of the week off to rest up. I forgot I actually like convalescing, and the painkillers are pretty effective, so it’s not too bad. Lots of How I Met Your Mother, some reading, some sewing, and A LOT of sleeping. I have already had 2 naps today and it’s not even lunchtime yet.
Expecting more of the same this weekend, looking forward to tonight’s stay-at-home date with Jaybird, and a 1-year-old’s birthday party on SundayReport
So today has not started well.
Lisby the Dog woke up whining, which woke one Lain up. Right after Clany left for work I let the dog out, and she broke the deal and bolted out into the rain. That meant I had to get my shoes and jacket on. During which Lain peed on the floor. But I had to picker her up to get the dog, getting pee on my jacket and shirt, and taking us out into the rain. All of which leaving dad pissed, Lain upset, and Lisby mopey.
All of this, except the pee on the floor, would have been avoided if the dog had just peed on the floor instead.Report
Hopefully, things will only get easier as the day progresses.
Do you think there’s some important insight from peeing on the floor that they don’t get from peeing in a diaper? Seems there should be.Report
All of which leaving dad pissed
So to speak.Report
dad pissed
You should get pissed in the British sense.Report
More snow coming our way; they’re predicting about a foot.
30 years ago today, my eldest was born. How did I get to be so old?
And despite the anti-apple sentiments out there, I’m really, really happy with my new laptop.Report
Who benefits here?
Since you are obviously trolling, I’m not even going to waste my time to respond.
As for everyone else, Happy ? Day.Report
D’oh, that should be Happy Pi Day.Report
Dinner and a movie with a friend last night and working the second job all weekend. My son usually accompanies me to the second job, but he’s at his fsther’s this weekend, so last night’s movie was a grown up one!Report
@maribou bait.Report
@zic was the word “bait” meant to be a link? also, hello!Report
It was. And hello.
linky goodnessReport
One answer would be Nation, by Gaiman’s good friend, Sir Terry Pratchett.Report
@zic Hah. Basically Neil Gaiman is in of himself maribou-bait, and any time he mentions libraries, that is just the whipped cream on top.
Today was over 80 degrees. I had a late brunch and ice cream.Report
Yeah our heatwave began today as well, we’re making borscht tonight and it’s probably the last weekend until autumn that we’ll use the crockpot instead of the grill.
On the upside: ice cream weather is back.Report
I cannot parse your last sentence. I think it contains hidden assumptions I am unable to assimilate.Report
Ice cream weather started the day ice cream was invented and will continue unabated until every planet humans live turn into dead cinders.Report
gah….every planet humans live on turn into dead cinders.Report
Winter is time for “hot desserts”.
Sure, you can have ice cream whenever… but there’s an opportunity cost when it comes to wintertime because you can’t have hot desserts in summer even if you can have ice cream in winter.
“Why not both?”, you ask. Sure. Fine. Put some ice cream on the hot desserts.
But the ice cream in those cases is a la carte. It’s not the point.Report
you can’t have hot desserts in summer
There it is again. Maybe I need to restart my router.Report
You can have a nice cobbler in the summer.
You live in an area where there is one season and it is called SpringFall.Report
80 °F this afternoon so broke out the bicycle for the season’s first ride. Man, I’ve let the cardio go to hell over this past winter.Report