Food Blogging: The Confit

Mike Dwyer

Mike Dwyer is a former writer and contributor at Ordinary Times.

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12 Responses

  1. Kazzy says:

    Williams-Sonoma (which tends towards overpricing and under delivering) tells jars of duck fat AKA liquid gold.Report

    • Mike Dwyer in reply to Kazzy says:

      They do sell duck fat. Goose fat is a good substitute and a large tub is less than $20 at the link I included (I think they have a minimum order of $50 though.) That company also sells all kinds of delicious goose products. Their smoked goose breast is supposed to be life-altering.Report

  2. Francis says:

    A. Just buy the whole goose. When you roast it, it will deliver substantial amounts of fat.

    B. “take a peak” ARRRGH. “peek” please.

    C. Doing a confit of legs and a sear of breast is my show-off duck dinner. Saturdays only please as it keeps me in the kitchen most of the day.

    D. Re: Freezer full of game. I hate you. Really.Report

  3. Tod Kelly says:

    I’ve never heard of confit veggies. What veggies do you use?

    Also, thanks for this. Duck Confit is one of those things I order in restaurants all the time, but have never tried doing myself. No I have no excuse.Report

    • Mike Dwyer in reply to Tod Kelly says:


      I haven’t done vegetables but the cookbook I mentioned has a recipe for tomatoes and I’ve seen it done with garlic. Cooking times are obviousky going to be much shorter.

      Also, to answer your question below, the fat can be reused several times. The only caveat is to be sure to run it through some cheesecloth before the next use.Report

    • Burt Likko in reply to Tod Kelly says:

      I do root vegetables confit in my sous vide. Cubed potatoes, thick hunks of carrot and/or parsnips. You don’t need quite the heart-stopping amounts of fat as an oven confit in a sous vide and you can use a slightly lower temperature — 190 softens the potatoes nicely. I find the carrot confit benefits from a generous inclusion of chive.

      For the fat, I have had the good fortune of several pounds of Benton’s Smokehouse Bacon coming my way, so it’s extra-rich, extra-smoky, extra-salty, and powerfully flavorful. It’ll be gone eventually but for the time being, it’s a beautiful porky dream.Report

  4. Tod Kelly says:

    Also, do you repurpose the fat afterwards, or is it kind of shot?Report

  5. Bert The Turtle says:

    Confit Buffalo Wings are also great.

    As far as alternate, less Gallic-sounding names go, you can always just go with a description. “Slow Fried” or “Double Fried” should be macho enough for even the reddest necked of your hunting buddies.Report