School of Hard Knocks


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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31 Responses

  1. Kazzy says:

    A few minutes later, this exchange transpired with the same student:

    Student: Why do we have to press so hard with the chalk? It’s annoying.
    Mr. K: It will be harder to see the marks your making if you don’t press hard.
    Student: It’s still annoying.
    Mr. K: It sounds like you’re not having fun doing that activity. If that’s the case, you should go to another one so someone else can have a turn here.
    Student: No. I like this!
    Mr. K: Then I shouldn’t be hearing so much complaining.

    I’m a jerk.Report

  2. Damon says:

    Student: Why don’t you go to the store and buy more white chalk?

    Damon: Go buy the chalk yourself.Report

  3. zic says:

    One of my mother-in-laws statements when people her kids complained:

    “Well, know you know what you don’t like.”

    Used to drive me crazy, but over the nearly 40 years I’ve known her, I have to admit it’s grown on me.Report

  4. j r says:

    Your kids sound exactly like an awful lot of the adults that I know (including myself sometime). I wonder if this is a new phenomenon or this is just one of my “get off my lawn” moments.

    You should start a Twitter account and post things so people can guess whether it is something that a grade school kid said or something that an adult posted on Facebook.Report

  5. Tod Kelly says:

    Typical liberal teacher, teaching the kids they’re better off with chalks of color than with white chalk.Report

  6. Vikram Bath says:

    I can also think of many reasons folks might decry it.

    My objection is the “make due”.Report

  7. ScarletNumbers says:

    Mr Kazzy, how do you feel about your favorite NFL team re-signing your favorite racist?Report

  8. Alan Scott says:

    I’m just surprised that you students know that white and read make pink. Aren’t they Pre-K?Report

    • Kazzy in reply to Alan Scott says:

      What do you think they’re paying me for???Report

    • Brandon Berg in reply to Alan Scott says:

      Isn’t that normal? I feel like I knew that stuff coming into kindergarten. Probably from Sesame Street or something. Or Play-Doh.Report

    • Alan Scott in reply to Alan Scott says:

      I think I knew my color words in pre-K, but the idea of mixing colors to get different colors was something I was taught in Kindergarten.

      If you knew that red and white make pink before Kindergarten, it might have been from sesame street, but I’ll bet it wasn’t from play-doh. Because white play-doh is pretty rare. And as far as color mixing more generally, mixing two different colors of play-doh tends to create a lumpy brownish color rather than the color you’d expect to get from an elementary school understanding of the color wheel.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Alan Scott says:

        The 3’s teacher does a unit on color mixing, so many of my kids come with the basics in place. I take a more organic approach, giving them different materials to explore with and allowing them to make their own discoveries. I think it is more rewarding for them that way. I usually start with the primaries but eventually add white and black. If they didn’t’ already know how to make pink, they usually discover it. That’s a pretty momentous day in the classroom because the other tints and shades aren’t typically recognized as their own color. White and blue make light blue. Green and black make dark green. But white and red? Now you’ve got pink… which can be a much coveted color among the children.

        With regards to play dough, I don’t know about the store bought stuff, but you can do some basic color mixing with the homemade dough (I’ve got a recipe if anyone wants). It takes a lot of work but if you get a good batch of blue and a good batch of yellow, you can make green. It won’t *pop* but you can get there over several sessions.Report

  9. Brandon Berg says:

    I’m disappointed that you didn’t even hint that you would be willing to accept a bribe to go buy chalk.Report