Monthly Archive: January 2014
The Apartment
Each year, New Year’s Eve brings to mind The Apartment, a film whose climax takes place on that evening. When you watch it next, note Shirley MacLaine’s great bit of acting as everyone at...
Linky Friday #50
This week: Japan, Income, Education, Education, STEM, Holidays, Maps, Culture, & Politics!
Dreaming of the Guild
Now, before you get all in a huff about the California Supreme Court admitting an undocumented alien to practice law, at least read Burt Likko’s digest of the ruling.
Richard Dawkins on the Emptiness of Theology
Does it matter if Richard Dawkins is ignorant of theology? If he’s going to write about it, then yes.
2014, Thank God It’s Here
2013 wasn’t all bad, but I can’t remember the last time I was looking forward to a new year so eagerly.
Johnny Football Should Stick Around
Will Truman is not necessarily a fan of Johnny Manziel or Texas A&M, but nonetheless hopes Johnny Football stays there for another year.
Book Report 2013
Still not a lot of uninterrupted non-manic toddler time for writing, but she does enjoy some political non-fiction before bed. Among my favorites this year were the latest installments from Robert George and Mary...
Wait, it’s 2014!
Now, let us never speak of 2013 again. Clearly, the 13th year of a millennium is like the 13th floor of a building- leave it blank in the history books. The number of friends...