Home sweet home.
The kitties did not, in fact, forget me. The two boys came downstairs and wanted to engage in some heavy sniffery before they were cool with everything… Cecilia, true to form, just didn’t want to come downstairs. She was upstairs, on the bed, on her special blanket, and when she saw me she stretched.
No place I’d rather be.
This weekend is dedicated to reacquainting myself with my household.
Stuff you forget how awesome it is: the best shower, like, anywhere. The collection of hoodies that didn’t manage to sneak a single member into the suitcase. The downstairs computer monitor. The smells. The pillows (seriously: awesome pillows). Steam! Oh, my gosh! Redshirts came out! I’ll play it later. (Technically, I’m only down here to make this post.)
It is good to be back home.
So… what’s on your docket?
Glad you made it back safe, and the cats remembered you.
My son’s 5-year old little brother is with us this weekend, at least for most of it. He’s a little ball of pure energy, so I will spend much of the weekend chasing him. The only way to calm him is to put shows about volcanoes, tornadoes, or “rocks hitting the Earth” (as he calls asteroids and meteors) on television. For someone, he really enjoys watching shows about natural disasters. Though the first time we watched one about the formation of the moon, he thought Theia striking Earth was the moon striking Earth, and the next few times we went out at night he told me he thought the moon was getting closer.Report
FWIW and being entirely incapable of taking off my teacher hat, it is possible that the little one’s preoccupation with disaster shows is indicative of a fear or anxiety he can’t articulate, rather than enjoyment. He may be seeking to understand something that scares him, only to end up with TMI and more scared than he started. His “The moon is getting closer” comment is indicative of such, even if the manner in which he delivered it might not have communicated that.
No guarantee, but figured I’d offer my two-cents. Hit me up if you want to chat more.Report
Oh, the “the moon is getting closer” comment was definitely fear, and he is one of those kids (my son definitely wasn’t one) who, when he’s afraid of something, likes to get closer to it to check it out. So that may be it.
Last weekend, I tried to avoid watching them (I’ve seen all of the volcano shows on Netflix more than once, now) by getting Epic from Redbox and putting it on, but he only made it about a third of the way through before he started asking for volcanoes again. So we went for a walk and then watched a show about the Ring of Fire.Report
It’s tricky. Sometimes when a kid asks a question (e.g., “What happens when a volcano erupts?”) they are really asking something different (e.g., “What happens to me when a volcano erupts?”). In fact, most questions that kids ask about potential tragedies is usually really trying to understand what it potentially means for them*. Which means you have to do a bit of deciphering and then answer the question they mean, not the one they actually asked. So, when he asks to watch the volcano movie again, you can respond by showing him a map of Texas and showing him that there are no volcanos nearby; then show him a picture of his family and say, “And if anything bad does happen, all these people are here to love you and keep you safe.” Hierarchy of needs and all that… he is trying to secure his safety and security, not his knowledge of plate tectonics. And as an adult in his life (though I recognize you are not a parent, which puts you in a potentially tricky situation), you can always say, “I don’t think this is good for you, so I’m not going to let you watch it.” He may object, but even that sends a message that you love and protect him.
I’m very much this person. When something makes me uncomfortable (e.g., sea monsters, giant squids, zombies, dropping my keys down a garbage shoot… it is almost always something stupid), I consume as much information as possible, under the guise that understanding it better will make me less uncomfortable. Unfortunately, this usually serves the opposite purpose. When Zazzy got me “The Zombie Encyclopedia”, I ended up yelling at her. “They can survive underwater??? I had no idea! The ocean just got that much scarier!!!”
* Parents of often dismayed to learn that when children ask about their death, they’re not actually doing so out of some sort of love; they want to know who will take care of them if mommy and daddy die. They shouldn’t be dismayed… it’s how kids brain works… and it gives them an easier response: “You will always have someone to take care of you and love you.”Report
Also, I fully recognize this is completely unsolicited advice. If you have a system that works for you, his mom, and (most importantly) him, by all means… keep on trucking.Report
No, no, I appreciate it. I hadn’t really thought about it that much.Report
I’m so glad Jay is back.
I took today and tomorrow off work, to celebrate. Also to do homework.
So this weekend will look a lot like the last few, except the stars will be back in their proper orbits.Report
Birthday party dinner cruise on Saturday, and a flight to Germany on Sunday.Report
Sadly, we will be looking for a new home for a beloved cat.
This makes me very, very sad.Report
Sorry to hear that.Report
Ah, that sucks.Report
Today I drove over to the town my parents took me home to after I was born and where I lived, briefly, before the earliest things I remember. I will probably have to go back there this weekend.
We hope to get the baby’s crib put together. We’re also working on the introduction of solids.
I have eaten a boatload of bologna today and yesterday. An obscene amount. Seriously, never get a block of bologna no matter how sure you are that you will take your time in eating it. My stomach has been squeaking like a shoe. So I will do some laying around the house and tending to that.Report
Next time, buy Lebanon Bologna.Report
In-laws arrive tomorrow. For a wedding. On Sunday. In Lawn Guyland. It will be a long weekend.
Glad you are back where you belong.Report
Where in (shouldn’t it be on?) Long Guyland?Report
The Jericho area. I’ve always heard it said as if the G shifts from ‘Long’ to ‘Island’, but I suppose such a phenomenon can be captured in many a way.Report
R moved to Long Island for high school, and lived there for years afterward. Her family is all there still. When I hear her family or friends from there say it, I hear the full -ong, and then another g at the beginning of what should be “Island.”Report
I would trust R over me. I tend not to hang out with such ilk. Long Islanders, that is.Report
Heh… it may just be the different ways we hear it. There are times when I can’t figure out what the hell she and her friends are saying.Report
You know what it means if you’ve spent the last week or so waking up like clockwork at 5:30 Eastern Standard Time? Oh, yeah.Report
This happens to me a lot. I’ll get stuck tramping around up and down one coast or the other long enough for my internal clock to adjust, only to get a run waaayyy over the other direction. It’s actually fortunate that I don’t have anything resembling a fixed sleep/wake schedule.Report
Is there any reason that you can’t follow your own internal time? So if you drive 8am-5pm on the east coast, you then drive 5am-2pm on the west coast? That way you are sleeping and waking by a consistent internal clock? Does the sun wreak havoc on that? Does the job require specific hours?Report
Not too much planned for this week. Tomorrow I am going to stay with my grandma for a few hours so that my parents can take my great aunt out to lunch for her birthday.
I may drain my aquariums and take the fish to the fish store, since they will not be moving with me. I need to do it sooner or later, but I am not looking forward to it for a variety of reasons.
Other than that, I have no fixed plans.Report
Y’all seen this yet? It’s fully functional.
Well, heck, I probably shoulda put this in Linky Friday.Report
Hi everyone!
I’m in Haiti. I’ll be doing homestays with local families more or less until the end of the year (3 weeks in Dezam, 3 weeks in Port-au-Prince, with some time in between). I’m currently one week into my Dezam homestay.
I’ve started moving past worries based on the popular news images of Haiti in my head and am getting into the rhythm of dealing with the good and bad of Haiti as it actually exists.
– Most of the buildings in Port-au-Prince are standing (the estimates I got were that 1-1.5 million people were made homeless by the earthquake, and all but around 300,000 of those have been housed). So there’s a long way to go, and that’s not the greatest progress considering that it’s been 4 years since the earthquake, but some progress has been made.
– I am NOT being constantly swarmed by mosquitoes.
– I haven’t been sick yet.
– MCC and I are kindred spirits on pretty much any development/international political issue you can name. Not to get into specifics, because MD isn’t for that, but the other international person here in Dezam, Pete, worked with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Haiti in the ’90s during the coup. I’ve met CPT workers in Hebron, Palestine and have great admiration for them. Also, MCC’s manual for how to design, run, and report on development projects is pretty much ideal, going from my International Affairs courses. I.e.: extremely high degree of involvement of the local community, consideration for whether the project will have negative effects and how to prevent/mitigate them, considering the project’s potential effects on power relations within communities; asking the locals what problems they have and working with them to design projects that address those problems, rather than coming in with pre-set ideas; relying heavily on local workers – of MCC’s 25 staff in Haiti, 18 are Haitian and two others (Pete [the Assistant Disaster Coordinator] and Kurt [the MCC country representative for Haiti – he and his wife are in charge of the MCC Haiti program]) are married to Haitians; continuous monitoring of project results, and modification of projects as necessary based on those results; end-of-project evaluations to look at what worked, what didn’t, and how this can inform future projects in Haiti and elsewhere. Once I start my real work (which probably won’t be until after I attend an MCC orientation in Akron at the start of February), reporting on and evaluating projects will probably be a large part of my work here. The reason they picked me rather than a Haitian is that they need someone who writes naturally and fluently in English and has some experience with the procedures for managing development projects.
– The houses that have been rebuilt are no better than the previous ones, so if there’s another earthquake they’ll just collapse again.
– It is, as expected, ridiculously and constantly hot.
– There are loads of bugs – ants everywhere, mosquitoes sometimes, spiders in most buildings (including a tarantula in the MCC office kitchen one morning) and giant crickets.
– Inability to have a real conversation with anyone except Pete – I’m learning kreyol, but slowly, and am limited to fairly simple conversations in it – is rather draining.
To give a sense of Dezam: It has a single paved road, and a lot of extremely uneven dirt-and-rock roads, and some smaller dirt paths. Transportation is by a mix of motorcycles and mototaxis (riding on the back of a motorcycle, which I’m beginning to get used to), walking, horses, and pickups; MCC has a 4WD. The market, which is where most shopping is done, is very dirty, with almost its entire ground made up of plastic wrappers. It sells food (including bags of pasta, so I’ll be able to cook something when I’m living on my own), sandals, toiletries, etc. There’s a lot of trees in the village and all the surrounding area, which is apparently attributable to MCC – 30 years ago this area was mostly deforested, but MCC’s primary project in the area has been reforestation and according to both its staff and some locals it’s had substantial effects. (Most of the area on the drive up from Port-au-Prince to Dezam is heavily deforested – the town and its environs are a clear contrast.) There’s absolutely no shortage of food – fruit trees all over the place; fields of rice, sugar, sorghum, etc.; chickens, goats, and the occasionally pig or turkey wandering all through the street. There are schools (mostly run by local churches) and a health clinic (run by a local community organization), though they seem fairly basic. Deficiencies are more in the way of employment and housing and technology.
To give a sense of life, I’ll describe the place I’m living in. There’s about four people (with me, five) living there full-time, although it’s hard to tell because countless cousins are constantly dropping by. The house is made of concrete. Their bedroom is one room with a king-sized bed; there’s also the dining room (which also contains my bed) and a storage room. The kitchen is in an outbuilding, also concrete, and cooking is done over a charcoal fire. Clothes are washed by hand in a big tub, using rainwater and soap. Bathing is outdoors, in an area screened by woven leaves, using water from a bucket. The outhouse is another area screened by woven leaves, with a pit and a concrete seat. The family has a few chickens.
Meals are breakfast (baked cornmeal, spaghetti, or plantains), lunch (rice, either beans or a bean sauce, and a meat sauce; the main meal) and supper (usually the cold leftovers from lunch, although once Edelène – the mother of the family – made me a delicious plantain soup). There seems to be enough, although I worry that they’re feeding me more than they have themselves (it’s hard to tell because everyone eats at different times).
We made peanut butter the other day, by grinding peanuts with some sugar and spices in a little mill and then grinding the peanut butter a second time to make it smoother. I had some on a bun with dinner and it was very tasty.
The kids go to school. They wear uniforms to school and nice clothes to church, but their everyday clothes typically have holes. They do homework in the evenings by a kerosene lamp, because there’s no electricity (the MCC office has solar panels and a generator, but that’s unusual). Midjilene, who is in her late teens or twenties and who’s been my main guide, also goes to school, and is learning stuff at around grade 12 or first-year university level in physics, geology, biology, Haitian literature, and English; I don’t think much of the methods of her English teacher, who has set the class a list of 83 verbs to memorize (infinitive, past, and past participle), including a lot of ones that aren’t very commonly used and certainly aren’t necessary for a beginner to know. Some of the other cousins Midjiline’s age don’t go to school; those who don’t seem to have a lot of time on their hands. Work doesn’t appear to be abundant here.
(To just mildly touch on politics – one of the issues in Haiti is that free trade with the US has led to a reduction in a lot of farming, including rice-growing which used to be a major industry, because the subsidized US crops are cheaper than the Haitian ones. Then a bunch of former rice farmers moved to Port-au-Prince even though there wasn’t work there. Similarly, there’s no milk or cheese here because Haiti used to have a dairy industry, but powdered milk from the US was initially cheaper so it drove the dairy farmers out of business, and then powdered milk became just as expensive as real milk had been.)
Just wanted to give you all a sense of how things are going. I’m writing this from the MCC Dezam office, which has (very slow) internet.Report
You’re definitely going to have to write some posts.Report
When I’ve been here a while longer and have more regular access to the Internet, I absolutely will.Report
I am definitely looking forward to them.Report
Glad to read this update, we’ve been thinking of you.Report
Pasadena Educational Network (public school advocacy non-profit) charity poker tournament tonight.
Tomorrow Kitty has book club, Jack has his last regular season soccer game, and I have more prep work to do for the yard sale that’s coming up next weekend.
Sunday I’m going to watch football.Report
Season is finally here. The mountain opens tomorrow. We’ll start Monday after the crowds leave. I’ll be tuning skiis and rewaterproofing the outer wear. I’m not sure how often I’ll be able to stop in here. Have fun. Say hi to Blaise if he ever comes out of exile.Report
I had no idea there was going to be a Redshirts game. This sounds risky (I’ve had to give up games for Lent in the past because they were eating up all my time).
The kitten that’s temporarily terrorizing our grumpy old cats is going to be staying with us a bit longer than initially planned – my wife is going to take it to her parents, whose cat died recently, but life keeps leading to that trip being postponed. He’s an awfully cute and terroristic kitty. The humans in the house, especially my daughter, will be sorry to see him go; the cats will probably not.
Tonight, the lady I’ve started seeing (don’t know I can call her my girlfriend yet) is coming over for dinner, then we’re going out dancing. Tomorrow night is my wife’s night out with her boyfriend. Any free time we get, we’re trying to pummel our somewhat terrifying basement into a usable space.Report
I should note that this game doesn’t appear to be affiliated with Scalzi’s book.
It’s more of a facebook parody where you’re a redshirt on a particular space station and you have to use facebook to achieve various goals.Report
Trivia Night with the Rabbi’s Wife. Hanging out with the Rents!
Also I’m going to pump that SF made good today and Herb Caen is smiling somewhere: