Just Stop


One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.

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51 Responses

  1. Nob Akimoto says:

    For some reason I thought this would be about LSD.Report

  2. Brandon Berg says:

    “Now our kids can write letters”


  3. J@m3z Aitch says:

    They show kids doing cartwheels and playing with balls, too; that’s outrageous!Report

  4. NotMe says:

    Michelle must have been so disappointed in the postal service after all the work she’s put into getting our youth to be active, safely.Report

    • Chris in reply to NotMe says:

      I’ve been amazed at the pushback against the First Lady’s health and fitness initiatives. I mean, what else will conservatives find they oppose if it is promoted by the spouse of a Democratic president? Breathing?

      Seriously, who doubts that, if Michelle Obama had simply continued Laura Bush’s reading and education programs, conservatives would have simply decided that they opposed reading and education programs?Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:

        While I agree with you about the absurdity of conservatives oppostion to most of Michelle’s efforts. However, this reeks of liberal ridiculousness.Report

      • Stillwater in reply to Chris says:

        “It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”Report

      • Pierre Corneille in reply to Chris says:

        I also think some critics’ fears about fat-shaming have a point, even if they carry it a bit too far to taint her entire pro-fitness campaign.Report

      • Jaybird in reply to Chris says:

        I wish she had argued that we “Say No To Drugs”.Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        Did she have anything to do with the ridiculousness?Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        Pierre, I agree, both about the fat shaming, and about the over-the-topness of the criticism.Report

      • NotMe in reply to Chris says:


        I have no problem with the goal of getting kids to be more active but her school lunch program has been a disaster. A lot of healthy food has been going into the trash since they can’t make kids eat it and some school districts have lost money.


        What is that supposed to mean? Don’t you find the destruction of the stamps silly?Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Chris says:

        Other way around: conservatives oppose reading and education in general, and didn’t say anything that time as a special favor to Mrs. Bush.Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        Kids aren’t eating everything, therefore it’s a disaster? Point made for me, thanks.Report

      • zic in reply to Chris says:

        A lot of healthy food has been going into the trash since they can’t make kids eat it and some school districts have lost money.

        And do we know that a lot of unhealthy food did not make it’s way into the trash (and school districts also lost money) before? Was anybody counting before, or just after, going for a Fox & Friends gotcha moment?

        It’s a really good habit to flip these kinds of gotcha’s around; examine them from the other side, before you embrace them too closely and end up with school lunch on your face. Particularly when it comes to women, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin, both.Report

      • Morat20 in reply to Chris says:

        It’s stuff like this that makes it really, really hard to take conservatives seriously with their complaints about Obama.

        Come on, talk about drones or executive overreach or that you’d prioritize things differently. But this stuff?

        Good lord. What a flipping joke. And it’s not just this stuff — Volokh Conspiracy, a legal blog? For week’s there’s been a complaining “OMG, parks is closed, Chicago Thug Politics” whine — but not a word on the anti-deficiency act, it’s interpretation and application — nothing about the actual law that the OMB and the Executive apply, nothing with actual meat to it.

        Good lord, it’s right in their proverbial bailiwick and there’s not even a cursory “Here’s the law” post with a “And here’s why X is BS” post. Just…retyped screeds from Facebook, basically.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to Chris says:

        For years now, Volokh has impossible to take seriously. In 2009 they seriously contended that Hillary was ineligible to be Secretary of State even if she turned down the raise or even the entire salary, as if the situation had never come up and been resolved in the past.Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:

        I’ve been amazed at the pushback against the First Lady’s health and fitness initiatives. I mean, what else will conservatives find they oppose if it is promoted by the spouse of a Democratic president? Breathing?

        Actually, as someone who takes health, nutrition and fitness very seriously, I can completely understand why someone would want to push back at something like the “Drink Up” initiative, even if I agree with her in principle (which I do – I drink a gallon of water a day).Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:

        I’ll save the explanation for later. I need to write a post anyway. 😉Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        Dave, my amazement has not been at substantive criticisms, but the stuff like what I was responding to here, or the “broccoli mandate” criticisms.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:

        There is certainly room to make legitimate criticisms of some of her efforts. But most of them are fairly mundane. Or just common sense.

        The worst is the criticism that is aimed at her for even having a voice. You can choose your pick of labeling it racist, sexist, or partisan. Regardless, it is stupid.Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:



        Some people would include criticism of the “Drink Up” initiative in your broccoli mandate category (I don’t know whether or not you do so I make no assumption either way). In this case, I think the critics of the critics look like bigger idiots than the critics themselves but that’s just me. Partisan politics at its finest.

        The decision to scrap the stamp should be mocked, as should the idiots that voiced these concerns. I hope these people never set foot on a playground or a field where kids are playing pickup games of soccer, football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, etc. because they are going to freak out at all the “unsafe” activities.Report

      • Kazzy in reply to Chris says:


        From your link:
        “Some conservatives have been quick to jump on Michelle Obama for her “scientific” claims, pointing to a POLITICO story that quotes experts who claim there are discernible benefits from drinking one extra glass of water a day. Rush Limbaugh called it “just more command-and-control” from the Obama White House. The Washington Times went after the “the nation’s most prominent anti-obesity crusader” for misleading the public. And the Washington Free Beacon blasted the headline, “Michelle Obama’s Drink More Water Campaign Based on Faulty Science.””

        One of those things is not like the other. I bolded it for ya. Rush should be knocked for clearly partisan BS. The others should be taken seriously and we should look at the various data-driven resources to make an honest assessment of FLOTUS’s campaign.Report

      • Chris in reply to Chris says:

        By the way, in case it’s not clear, the “criticism” I was responding to here was NotMe’s, not Kazzy’s. I agree with Kazzy’s post.Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:

        @kazzy ,

        Rush Limbaugh called it “just more command-and-control” from the Obama White House.

        This is the same Rush Limbaugh that criticized Michelle Obama for being a hypocrite for eating ribs while telling others they need to eat healthy food. Rush is an ass. I’ve never taken him seriously.

        The others should be taken seriously and we should look at the various data-driven resources to make an honest assessment of FLOTUS’s campaign.

        The Wonkette article clearly did not do that, but I’m less concerned about the factual claims than I am the motivations behind them. By motivations, I mean the motivations of going down this road as opposed to better alternatives.Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:

        One clarification – I’m less concerned about the factual claim that increased water consumption increases energy levels because even if that is disputed (and it is), there are so many other positive benefits to increased water consumption that it makes the “junk science” moot.Report

      • Dave in reply to Chris says:


        Got it. My apologies for any confusion.Report

  5. LeeEsq says:

    No fencing?Report

  6. Reformed Republican says:

    Pointing out the cannonball as being dangerous is probably the worst. As far as ways to jump into a pool, that is probably the safest. It does not carry the risks that come with misjudging the depth before diving in head first or with legs extended. Obviously a ladder would be safer, but where is the fun in that?Report

  7. Mad Rocket Scientist says:

    Careful Kazzy, you got some libertarian on you. That stuff just does not come out in the wash.Report

  8. Damon says:

    won’t someONE PLEASE think of the children!Report

  9. DavidTC says:

    I’m having trouble figuring out the intersection of ‘stamps’ and ‘children’ myself. How are children ever going to see stamps?

    Is this some sort of new ironic thing with children, them purchasing stamps? What do they _do_ with them? Stick them on their phone?Report