- Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental appJanuary 1, 20257 Comments
- Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024December 30, 202466 Comments
- The Immigration ThingDecember 28, 202418 Comments
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- Philip H in reply to John Puccio on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental appMost of the time those are still streets with cars on them - what with people living and working the…
- Chris in reply to Jaybird on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024I believe I said earlier than the gentrification discourse in this country is broken and counterprod…
- John on A Man on the InsideOld guy here. Ed Sullivan probably would've said, "A really good shoe!" And I say, "We loved this sh…
- Jaybird in reply to Chris on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024LA's Karen Bass talked about how building low-income housing in single-family neighborhoods would cr…
- Chris in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024Yeah, most places don't do permanent supportive housing, but use a model that makes it really diffic…
- InMD in reply to Chris on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024The conversation inspired me to Google 'halfway houses near me' and 'homeless shelters near me.' The…
- Chris in reply to Michael Cain on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024Yeah, turns out that if there are consequences, people change their behavior. This is a lesson Texas…
- Chris in reply to James K on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024No idea, man. You keep taking it back to that in response to what I initially said, which was not ab…
- Chris in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024There are, I agree, complex issues, but we have plenty of data showing that the bulk of the "problem…
- Slade the Leveller on A Man on the InsideWe watched this and completely loved it. Is there an actor who does a better deadpan than Marc Evan…
January 1, 2025
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- Philip H in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024
- Jaybird in reply to Philip H on Joe Biden Agrees that Some People *DO* Deserve the Death Penalty
- InMD in reply to Philip H on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024
- Philip H in reply to Jaybird on Joe Biden Agrees that Some People *DO* Deserve the Death Penalty
- John Puccio on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Jaybird in reply to Jaybird on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Jaybird in reply to Slade the Leveller on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Philip H in reply to InMD on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024
- Philip H on The Immigration Thing
- Dark Matter in reply to Burt Likko on Open Mic for the week of 12/30/2024
- Slade the Leveller on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Kolohe on A Man on the Inside
- Jaybird on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Jaybird on Two attacks on US soil and both involve a car rental app
- Jaybird in reply to Michael Cain on A Man on the Inside
Well, it’s not irritating on first glance…Report
Svanyyl sbhaq n jnl guebhtu gur ceboyrz gbavtug!
BCLYWQ ner nyy ng gur fgneg bs ahzoref, fb gurl ner abg mreb. Gurersber, mreb zhfg or PKT be R.
Fvapr B-L naq Y-W ner lvryqvat mreb, gurl zhfg or obeebjrq sebz, naq B=L+1, Y=W+1.
Ybbxvat ng gur yrsgzbfg qvtvgf, B+R=Y (be Y-1)
Ybbxvat ng gur frpbaq qvtvgf sebz gur yrsg, naq xabjvat juvpu ahzoref ner obeebjvat sebz gurve yrsg, jr pna frr gung Y > R, R > T, naq W > P. Tvira gur nobir gjb cnentencuf, jr pna qrgrezvar gung Y vf terngre guna WPRTLB. Fb, Y vf orgjrra fvk naq avar.
Ybbxvat ng gur evtugzbfg qvtvgf, B*L naq Y*L obgu raq va Q. W*L raqf va R. Nyfb, L-Q=Q.
Sebz urer, V qrpvqrq gb tb guebhtu inyhrf bs Y naq L gb lvryq inyhrf bs Q. V gura ybbxrq sbe nal ahzore gung pbhyq shysvyy na B inyhr jurer B*L lvryqrq gur fnzr Q. V pnzr hc jvgu bayl bar frg: Y vf rvtug, L vf gjb, Q vf fvk, B vf guerr, W vf frira naq R vf sbhe.
Gung yrnirf mreb, bar, svir naq avar nf PKTC va fbzr beqre. Ybbxvat ng gur evtugzbfg qvtvgf, K-Q=P naq C-R=P. Jr xabj jung Q naq R ner, fb vg’f gvzr sbe gevny naq reebe ntnva. Naq gur bayl ahzoref gung fngvfsl gubfr pbaqvgvbaf ner K orvat bar, P orvat svir naq C vf avar, yrnivat T nf mreb.
Fb, gur ahzoref mreb guebhtu avar ner TKLBRPQWYC.Report
Irel avpr.
Jung V svefg abgvprq vf gung B*L naq Y*L obgu raq va Q, juvyr W*L raqf va R. Fvapr arvgure Q abe R vf mreb, guvf zrnaf gung L vf rira naq B naq Y qvssre ol svir. Sebz gur ynfg fhogenpgvba, Y vf terngre guna B. L cyhf bar rdhnyf B, fb:
B vf bqq.
B vf pyrneyl abg bar.
B vf yrff guna svir.
Guhf B vf guerr, Y vf rvtug, L vf gjb, Q vf fvk, W vf frira, R vf sbhe, naq gur erfg sbyybjf.Report
Fb urer jr ner.
Nyernql V pna’g uryc ohg abgvpr gung B, Y, naq W ner abg rdhny gb bar.
Naq, nf fhpu, V xabj gung L + 1 rdhnyf B, W + 1 rdhnyf Y.
Abj gurer’f fbzrguvat ryfr V’ir abgvprq. B gvzrf L vf Q naq Y gvzrf L vf Q. Ubj bsgra qbrf *GUNG* unccra? Yrg’f ohfg bhg n zhygvcyvpngvba gnoyr.
Bxnl, abj yrg’f ohfg bhg bar gung vfa’g urkvqrpvzny…
Naq V’z thrffvat gung jr’ir tbg n fvghngvba jurer vg’f fbzrguvat yvxr 2 gvzrf 4 vf 8, naq 7 gvzrf 4 vf 28. Fbzrguvat yvxr gung. Vg zrnaf gung Q vf rira naq, vs V unq gb thrff, gung L vf rira gbb. Ohg V znl or trggvat nurnq bs zlfrys gurer. (ohg jr nyfb frr gung L zvahf Q vf Q, fb 2Q = L… fb L *VF* rira, naq vs Q vf rira, gura gung zrnaf gung Q vf rvgure 2 be 4 naq L vf rvgure 4 be 8! Lnl!)
Jryy, jr xabj gung W > P, R > T, naq Y > R. C – R vf P, fb P vfa’g mreb (naq arvgure vf R). Fb abj V’z jbaqrevat jurgure jr’ir tbg 9 aba-mrebf…
W, P, R, Y, B, L… nyfb C naq Q (tvira gung gurl fgneg fbzr ahzoref).
Fb K zvtug or mreb. Naq T zvtug or mreb.
Fb jr’er fgvyy xvaqn fghpx.
Jnvg, vs L – Q vf Q, gura P – B vf K. Gura K vf abg mreb.
Jbb ubb! Jr unir bhe svefg ahzore! Vg’f T!
Naq nyy jr xabj nobhg vg vf gung vg vf fznyyre guna R. Jryy, qhu.
Ohg gung’f n fgneg.Report