Daily Archive: April 18, 2013

West and Boston

The dead and injured in West, Texas surely count for the same as the dead and injured in Boston, Massachusetts, and indeed are more numerous. Boston seems more emotionally-charged; no one considers other than...

Teach Her Good

So, you run a high school and you think teen pregnancy and the spread of STIs is a serious problem. Well, if you’re Principal George Aulenbacher of George Washington High School in Charleston, West Virginia,...

Of Bubbles and Bias

Twice the Rupert Murdoch-owned has announced that police have identified the primary suspects in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings.  Twice it has indicated that or pictured these purported “suspects” as persons of Arab descent or persons...

Griner Comes Out

Brittney Griner, star basketball player at Baylor University and #1 overall selection in Monday’s WNBA draft, has come out publicly as gay: “Don’t worry about what other people are going to say, because they’re always...

Irregular Constitutional Order

I’ve seldom agreed with Hugh Hewitt so strongly—and readers know I agree with him a lot—as I do on repealing the medical device tax through regular constitutional order and not the usual rendering of pig lips and cow parts.  Hewitt has a post today on the issue at his blog.  Here’s a key exchange from Hewitt’s interview yesterday with Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the Ways and Means health subcommittee, who agrees with Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp on […]

wildlife management

Real States

One way we define a “state” here in the USA is as a unit of regional government. But states are also ways that we define ourselves as local communities and from which we take...

It’s done, woo hoo!

The Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act (2013) passed it’s third reading last night 77-44, legalising gay marriage in New Zealand. The Act won’t go into effect until later this year, as it still needs to receive the Royal...