Friday Jukebox: Music Is Better Than Politics
That is “Timebomb” by the Old 97’s, a fantastic song that has been included on several soundtracks, including the relatively good one that accompanied the entirely forgettable Clay Pigeons. Without getting too heteronormative, I’d say that it’s an absolutely balls-to-the-wall song.
I’m relatively certain that I’ve always thought this, from the first time I heard it 14 years ago to the last time I listened to it, which was just now, as I was writing this. I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s the guy going nuts on the drums. There’s got to be something particularly cathartic about picking up a set of drumsticks and beating the absolute shit out of a snare drum. Unfortunately, I can’t keep the beat for more than fifteen seconds even when I’m by myself drumming on a steering wheel, so I fear I’ll never be able to unwind in this way.
And I need to unwind. This godforsaken, never-ending election that we’re all enduring can’t be over soon enough. Every day brings a new moment at which I think to myself, “This nightmare can’t get any worse,” and then John Sununu alleges that Colin Powell supports Barack Obama because they’re both black and I think, “This isn’t worth it.” Then I realize that what Sununu did, as utterly condescending as it was, probably doesn’t even crack the top hundred most awful things about this election. Then I slam my head off my desk for twenty-to-thirty hours attempting to achieve meditation or hemorrhage.
So back to the music. What do you listen to when you’re trying not to think about something?
Timebomb is phenomenal live. The ’97’s are phenomenal live.Report
I’ve had the same conversation about the godawful politics going around. And yet I feel it’s like that Kids in the Hall Sketch about the bladder support group: where each member talks about how they won’t be tyrannized by their bladders and then periodically has to leave the room. For some reason, we’re all still here.Report
What I listen to when I don’t want to think of anything.Report
I heard this one for the first time in The Breakup. Since Vince Vaughn was also in Clay Pigeons one wonders if he influenced both soundtracks. It’s a really, really good song and I listen to it at least once a month in the car. Great choice!Report
Good choice, Sam.
By the way, a week or so ago I was wondering about the origin of the phrase ‘balls to the wall’. The only thing that makes sense to me is that it’s a baseball analogy.Report
The explanation for “balls to the wall” is relatively mundane:
Neat. Thanks for solving that.
At least it sounds dirty.Report
I probably listen to the Stooges when I want to unwind. Sometimes, I scream along to a Japanese band called Teengenerate that was my favorite group in the 90s. Honestly, though, when I want to unwind, I just call up the lads and go nuts:
I don’t usually wear the leather- it was a costume party.Report
the glyph-endorsed galaxie 500 is nice for a feel-good slow wash of kinda sad but not really pleasantries.
but if i need to unplug the brain for a while:
Coil – 4-Indolol,3-[2-(Dimethylamino)Ethyl],Phosphate Ester
I’ll split the difference between Rufus’ suggestion to blot it out with noise/aggression, and dhex’s solution of subsuming it in calming drone, and go with Spacemen 3 (aka “Stooges for Airports”).
Couldn’t find the live version from “Performance” which to me is definitive, but this will do:
I personally find this kind of white noise can be very calming; I have been known to put on stuff like this song, or JAMC’s “Psychocandy”, and fall right asleep.
You just *can’t* think too hard when this kind of music is abrading your brainwaves to dust; your only choice is submission.Report
You know, Spacemen aren’t for everyone.
This just came up on shuffle and might be more soothing:
This is something I used to listen to whenever I wanted to tune out. Sadly, I don’t have the album anymore, nor can I find it anywhere:
Brian Eno.Report