Monthly Archive: October 2012

Life returns to normal in Montauk

The power is back on. My family and our house are unharmed. MON TIKI is unharmed. All things considered, damage to our town is minimal. This afternoon, trick-or-treating took place downtown as usual. Our...

The Joy Of Opening Time Capsules

A million years ago, we had our Time Capsule post in which we all made predictions about who was going to be in the election. My guess was that Romney, no way, no how,...

George Lucas Taps Out

USA Today reports Disney is buying Lucasfilm from its sole owner, Mr. Lucas, for ~$4.1 billion dollars. Said Disney CEO Robert Iger: “This is one of the great entertainment properties of all time, one...

Bookdragon Asks…

On Mike’s comment rescue of Zic’s great comment, commentor Bookdragon asks: As I’ve grown older and look like less of a target (and earned belts in judo, jui jitsu and karate), I’ve worried a...

The South Hasn’t Risen Again

Andrew Sullivan has pulled out the Electoral College maps again to make a point about race, the Confederacy, and the Republican Party: [I]f Obama loses North Carolina, Virginia and Florida – which I suspect...

Comment Rescue: The Challenges Women Face

I’ve been bugging commenter Zic to write a guest post and she gave us the next best thing with a well-written comment over at Blinded Trials. With her permission I share the comment here...

Honest Food

Hank Shaw is a blogging friend of mine and he runs the popular site Hunter Angler Gardner Cook. He is also the author of a wild game cookbook that I highly recommend. One of...

Hurricane Sandy Open Thread

I’ve been hearing nothing but bad stuff about Sandy all weekend.  I’m hoping that this is another one of those instances where the news media, looking for a sexy new story to entice us...

Black Swans and Perfect Storms

So the town of East Hampton has declared a state of emergency. School is cancelled tomorrow, emergency personnel will be knocking on doors in low-lying areas. MON TIKI is deep in a well-sheltered corner...

Wrong Question, Mr. President

How about, “Where’s your photo ID?”  An interesting play to secure the key “Seven-year-old with adult sense of humor” demographic.

Baseball and Providence

It all starts far, far from any stadium. There are no diamonds and no throngs of adoring fans—just a crackling radio hissing through a stale summer garage into air as golden-tinged as the dead,...

Disruption Junction, What’s Your Function?

Two news items from the world of digital commerce and culture catch my attention: 1) Facebook has started charging businesses for “better placement” of their updates to their Facebook pages. Mark Cuban is not...