Daily Archive: September 19, 2012

Watch Tonight’s LeagueCast Live

Murali is hosting. Noboru Akimoto, Tod Kelly, Rose Woodhouse, Burt Likko, Kyle Cupp and myself are panelists. We’re talking about public reason. Feel free to watch the live broadcast and send questions our way via Google Plus, the combox...

Romney’s Noblesse Oblige

Of all the punditocracy’s many responses to Romney’s instant-classic 47 percent comments (it was a “gaffe” only insofar as Romney said what he actually believes to be true) the silliest ones have been from...

I am Dependent on the Government…

… for road and park maintenance; schools for my children; police, fire, and military protection; licensing of motor vehicle operators and other public safety measures; enforcement of contracts and the peaceful equality mediated by...

Charity and Stigma

I think that there should be a mild, limited, almost unspoken social stigma against able-bodied adult charity recipients. Usually there is, but often it comes with a lot of needless baggage. First, it should...

Yu Can Eat Mor Chikin Now Again

Good news, deep fried chicken sandwich fans. You can once again choose Chick-fil-A as an option when you wish to indulge in a less-than-optimally-healthy lunch. Apparently corporate policy at Chick-fil-A has changed and according to at least...

Comment Rescue!

In Russel Saunders’s “We Are The State” essay, there was a delightful exchange that deserves to be highlighted. Impavid commenter Snarky McSnarkSnark points out: I made the following observation a few days ago in...