Friday Jukebox: Absolutely Killing It
I think I am supposed to let other people here write these but I so enjoy writing about music (and so detest the places I end up emotionally when I try to write about...
I think I am supposed to let other people here write these but I so enjoy writing about music (and so detest the places I end up emotionally when I try to write about...
This is not the most original post idea I’ve ever had, but this post by Matt Yglesias got me thinking, and I decided to just write it all down. The basic argument is about...
I thought there would be more of a use for this post, but as Mike points out this is contributing to a conversation that isn’t really happening at the moment. However, I had an...
Rockabye Baby! is something I’ve only now stumbled across and I couldn’t be happier. The general idea is that they make lullaby versions of songs that you (yes, you, dear reader) already love. Bob...
Aloha, everyone! I’m just coming up for air after having spent a two-week vacation on the East coast, where I spent time in Manhattan, Connecticut and the Berkshires. In each place I stayed, there...
Immediately after the Aurora, Colorado shootings there was a pre-emptive outcry from the pro-gun crowd which rushed to put the shooting in perspective. The League hosted some of these posts and I was just as...
I fail to see how this is anything but a common-sense, uncontroversial, obvious, and good idea that might actually help a lot of people. Which of course means that we can expect Congress to...
A young woman from the PRC named Wu Minxia was one of two teammates to win the gold medal in synchronized diving at the 2012 Olympics yesterday. Her well-earned celebration was spoiled, though…
As a few rather clever journalists (Jonathan Chait and Greg Sargent come immediately to mind) have long foretold, the President’s reelection campaign has begun “Phase II” of its anti-Romney strategy. Phase I was to...
Zombie survival guides are a blood-stained dime a dozen, but won’t somebody please think of the zombies? It’s a hard “life,” full of unending hunger, long monotonous stretches of boredom, a homogenous diet, and...
Throughout August, I’m guestblogging at Radley Balko’s site, The Agitator. Radley is among the most effective libertarian advocates around, and I’m honored to stand in while he writes a much-needed book. My first post...
So I believe brother Pat made the call out a few months ago about BACON… Well I was told today by a friend who works at CERN that he witnessed said BACON group inside...