An Interview with Sci-Fi Author John Scalzi
If you’re able to, Alex Knapp is doing a live interview this morning with science fiction author John Scalzi on Google+. Details are here. The interview commences at 11AM EST.
If you’re able to, Alex Knapp is doing a live interview this morning with science fiction author John Scalzi on Google+. Details are here. The interview commences at 11AM EST.
I’ve been trying something new lately. I have been taking books with me on my hunting trips. Often I have a little down time because the animals are not always active when I want them...
I know my dialogues can be oblique, even enigmatic. This last one had a point, however, even if it was a bit subtle. I’ll state it more openly here.
Since E.D. has pointed us toward Acculturated today, I figured I might point you toward its take on recent Mad Men developments, focusing on the question of what can give us happiness. I only want to...
So an old post at my now-basically-defunct solo politics blog about conservatives and pop culture has accidentally sparked off a pretty interesting symposium at Acculturated – a conservative blog about pop culture and society. There’s...
As a follow-up to my post two weeks ago about California’s jungle primary, the winners, moving on to a run-off, are incumbent Dianne Feinstein and Elizabeth Emken, the spokesperson for Autisim Speaks who earned...
Dramatis personae: Blaise PASCAL, no relation to present company. VOLTAIRE Louis PASTEUR A GRANDMA, who lived to a ripe old age. A HIPSTER, who died before her time. Setting: On the Islands of the...
I stumbled across an old piece from the Drum Major Institute which discusses the problem of billions of dollars in incentives being given to companies in return for locating within a state and the small amount...
As my old friend Colombo used to say, “There’s just one thing I don’t understand”. Except when he said that, you knew he was about to gotcha somebody. There is one thing that I...
My dad foisted Dandelion Wine on me when I was young and still homeschooled. It was to be, appropriately enough, the first book in my list of self-imposed summer reading. His copy was old, and...
Yesterday the good people of Wisconsin went to the voting booths and struck a blow for liberty, bravely ushering in a brand new era of prosperity while sending a powerful message to Washington and...
1. Part of me, of course, is sad Scott Walker won. He’s a conservative and I’m not. All things considered, I prefer when conservatives lose elections. That said, the rest (most?) of me is...
The elephant in the LoOG room has only been the most significant election this Tuesday, Wisconsin’s recall election of Gov. Scott Walker. Governor Walker punked the educrat-union-political complex by tightening its belt bigtime—the only...
I’ll just start right out by saying that my sleep is wholly untroubled by the death of Osama bin Laden. Neither the fact of his demise nor the proximate details of how it came...
By Wardsmith Are HOA’s a good metaphor for government? In the much-commented OP by Dr. Hanley, interlocutor M.A. brought up Home Owner Associations (HOA’s), most specifically as a foil against the concept that Libertarians...
By James Vonder Haar When I took my first practice LSAT, the day after my father’s funeral, I scored in the 45th percentile. Six months of night classes, daily practice sections, and weekly practice...
By James Hanley You (yes, you) are invited to submit a post for the Ordinary Gentlemen’s Inequality Symposium. The question to be addressed is: What, if anything, is wrong with inequality? Anyone may participate,...
Warning: This post contains spoilers through the second book of A Song of Ice and Fire and the second season of Game of Thrones. Also, if you choose to follow the links, you are...
When IO released their new Hitman: Absolution trailer last week it made a lot of people angry. Rhetorical guns blazing, they took to their respective forums and articulated their disgust. For those who don’t...