Crime & Truancy
Last week, Nob pointed us to a story about a girl getting tossed in jail for skipping school:
A judge threw a 17-year-old 11th grade honor student from Willis High School in jail after she missed school again.
Judge Lanny Moriarty said last month Diane Tran was in his Justice of the Peace court for truancy and he warned her then to stop missing school. But she recently missed classes again so Wednesday he issued a summons and had her arrested in open court when she appeared.
Tran said she works a full-time job, a part-time job and takes advanced placement and dual credit college level courses. She said she is often too exhausted to wake up in time for school. Sometimes she misses the entire day, she said. Sometimes she arrives after attendance has been taken.
It’s tempting to chalk this up as a clear abuse of judicial discretion and leave it at that. It’s tempting because it is an abuse of discretion, but we really shouldn’t leave it at that. We should instead be asking ourselves why there was a crime for which the judge could do this. We should be asking ourselves what kind of pressures exist to make this a crime, and perhaps lead the judge to believe what he did was okay.
A while back, the Secretary of Education took some shots at Texas (the state in which the above occurred, as it happens) for… among other things, attendance problems. I wrote the following:
Largely, though, the decision to stay in school or drop out is a personal and family one. When we talk about what influence parents have or schools have over results, this is one of those things that is most home-driven. If a parent doesn’t want their kid to drop out, they can’t really drop out (until they are emancipated). While it might be possible for a kid that wants to attend school to be forced by his parents to drop out, that’s generally unlikely.
So what is the state’s role here? Well, the state can create truancy laws, the schools can hire truancy officers. And the kids can be dragged to school kicking and screaming. When a kid doesn’t want to be there, and when the parents don’t care, it might be worthwhile to question the degree to which they are likely to actually receive an education. I suppose I am skeptical. And I am also skeptical that we can bring them in by making school a cooler place to be. But I could be wrong on that! And, in the greater scheme of things, it may be good policy.
But it’s not indicative of much. A governor with presidential aspirations can fix all of these problems with one fell swoop: Hire a bunch of truancy officers at $100,000 a year (more spending!), have them drag everyone to school by the ear (better attendance!), and pass through socially promoted graduations (higher graduation rates!).
If anything, my post was too sanguine on the ability of parents to force their kids to attend school. Especially when you’re dealing with older kids. Which answers the next question: Why go after kids when we should go after the parents! As surely as we have the sad story above of going after kids, I can paint you one about a parent that’s too busy working a full-time job that can’t police their kids during the day.
My home state, “Arapaho,” is less than pleased with its high school drop-out rates. Arapaho has some of the more liberal laws in the country as it pertains to compulsory attendance. It goes back to the days where kids were often expected to drop out and work on the family farm. As other states firmed up, Arapaho let sleeping dogs lie. Until now, that is. Now, something has to be done. Such as… we should pass a law! Sixteen year-olds should not be allowed so easily to drop out of school. Of course, this law would have to be enforced. And how do we enforce this law? And against whom?
Now, ideally, you’re not just getting punitive. You’re finding out why kids are dropping out and looking for ways for them to continue their education if they can’t or won’t get to school every day. You’re trying to fill this gap. That’s desirable, but it’s also hard. Instead, the focus is likely going to be on trying to force them to go to school. With gavels, if necessary. The solution for Miss Tran is for her to cut back on her other responsibilities. A more generous safety net might do that for this case in particular. What’s more likely than a generous safety net? Punitive measures. Somewhere in between is a more flexible schooling system, allowing her to educate herself on her own schedule. Allowing kids around here to work on the farm and continue their education.
But then we couldn’t track attendance. The local school would lose funding. Somebody, somewhere, might be making a profit off this. The Secretary of Education could still paint this as a failure since we all know how kids are supposed to be educated and that involves a building, five days a week of attendance, and a certified teacher.
Truancy laws make NO sense. The only reason the state should get involve is if it is at the parents’ request. And even then, the kids should be brought home for the parents to deal with. Such bullcrap.Report
I think truancy laws spring from laws mandating education for children. The punitive and court based aspect is not needed to have truancy laws but it just what makes America special.Report
I don’t know how truancy laws can function in any reasonable capacity without a punitive aspect for non-compliance.Report
Well if there is to be any punishment it should typically be aimed at the parents. We have laws children must be educated but don’t drag the parents in to school. The parents are usually sent to child protective services who try to help solve the families problems and offer options. I’ve had a fair amount of experience with these kind of families. Offering counseling to the kids and adults, substance abuse counseling to the parents, economic supports alt school programs and various other social program type stuff solves most of the problems. When you have older teens who refuse to go to school then that can be a entire different kettle of fish. Drugs or overt criminal behavior are usually involved at that point. Sometimes a GED course or Job Corps is the best option.Report
What about the mother who simply can’t keep an eye on her kids because she’s trying to hold down the household’s costs by working long hours or works a job that it is a real hardship to leave to pick the kid up from school? I don’t have a problem with parent-aimed punitivity when we’re dealing with parents with the means to assure that their kids are going to school and the ability to receive them if they’re not, but this is frequently not the case.
I don’t disagree investigating families of kids who are not in school and removing the kid if there is a present danger (though my trust level with the CPS is not remarkably high). And I’m all about alternative schooling programs. But I don’t think that truancy laws, per se, are required for this.Report
“I don’t have a problem with parent-aimed punitivity when we’re dealing with parents with the means to assure that their kids are going to school and the ability to receive them if they’re not, but this is frequently not the case.”
How does a parent do this besides escorting their child from class to class? My mom was a teacher at an independent school the next town over from the district I went to public school in. She left for work before I left for school and came home after I did. What was she supposed to do? What is any parent supposed to do?Report
Yeah. One doesn’t have to be an irresponsible parent to not be able to assure that their kids are doing what they’re supposed to do while they’re at work.Report
I’ve rarely seen a child removed for not attending school. One thing i have seen CPS do is give the parent taxi vouchers so the kid can get to school or set up a special bus service to pick up the kid. I don’t it should be punitive except in exceptional circumstances.Report
I’ve had that case as a judge pro tem. The law, as written here in California, holds the parent culpable for the child’s repeated non-attendance at school. It’s a strict liability law, so it doesn’t matter at all that the parent has the best excuses in the world.
In the case I handled, I was indeed moved by the parent protesting that a) her son is fifteen and decides for himself what to do, and b) she’s a single mom working two jobs and has very little time to directly and personally supervise her kids. As I read the law, I had no choice but to impose the fine on her based on the facts before me, but I felt very unhappy doing it. To have not found her guilty and thus imposed the fine would have been me substituting my judgment about what the law ought to be in place of the Legislature’s.Report
The only truancy laws I can really get behind are ones that say “You don’t have to go to school, but we’re going to do what we can to prevent you from getting the day off.” Put them in in-school detention for the day and let them out at the bell. Even that, though, does not seem like a very good allocation of resources. How much of an education do you expect a kid who was forced to attend to actually get. Horse, water, drink.Report
This is why I think we need to give high school aged kids more options. You don’t want to go to school? Find… you can go to vocational training. Or get a job.Report
Why do we as a society have such an intense mania to incarcerate people of all ages for every conceivable offense?Report
There’s an important lesson to be learned from this story: It’s not truancy to fall asleep in class.Report
One of the more frustrating aspects to this whole thing is that this is something that we, as a society, have simply sort of agreed on. It’s not like there’s a political party or relevant ideology for it and another against it. Nor is it even like one side would be against it (it being one-size-fits-all, compulsory education) but has to pretend in order to avoid being hammered politically (as with the war on drugs, for example, or SSM a decade ago). Everyone agrees that kids should be in school. I genuinely view the above, and other nearly-as-bad results, as the logical – if ludicrous – extension of that.Report
Of course, nobody actually ever criticised anyone about this, or even said that they might. But still, it’s a win-win. You can pass a law and A: tell people how the law shows you ain’t no wimp, B: tell people that since the law is about kids and schools it shows you care, and C: tell people how the Other Guys are a bunch of bastards who’d have called you an uncaring wimp if you didn’t pass it.
The takeaway, of course, being that you’re a tough guy who cares, and the Other Guys are bastards.Report
Anyone voting against would have to explain why they are against kids being in school (and perhaps against education more generally).Report
I like it when truancy laws are used to go against homeschoolers.Report
semi-serious – would a homeschooler sneaking into a public school be considered truant?Report
why don’t they just start a homeschool league? a few of them quiverfull families and you not only have a starting lineup, but a practice squad, jd, cheerleaders, band and some butterfingers to work the concessions.
“The bill would have banned public schools from partnering with the Virginia High School League — which governs high school activities in the state — because it forbids home-schoolers from playing sports or being involved in other programs such as drama, debate and yearbook.”
ok, i can see stumping for sports or bye bye birdie, but yearbook? c’mon.Report
Punish truants with suspension.Report
Social safety nets to make sure that struggling parents have help getting their kids to school or have a hand up to work a few less hours in order to supervise the kids’ attendance at school will require money.
Social safety nets that would help this poor girl would require money.
Examining right wing radio recently, it seems two of the most important things for a conservative to be are “tough on crime” and completely unwilling to spend money even if it would be the compassionate thing to do.
To the larger point of why truancy laws exist, they were put in place when most of the USA was functionally illiterate. A society that can read and write is a society that theoretically has people able to learn and become more adept workers than a society of illiterate drones. At least that was the theory until we stole American Idol from the brits. I find it somewhat entertaining today – again following from my examinations into right wing radio – how strong an antipathy the conservative movement has not just for early education, but for all education in general. It’s almost as if many of them are downright proud of being uneducated and ignorant or as I would put it, of wasting the free opportunity they were given to get a strong education.Report
“To the larger point of why truancy laws exist, they were put in place when most of the USA was functionally illiterate”
The vast majority (80%+) of the (white) population of the US has been functionally literate since just after the Civil War.
Especially if it would be the compassionate thing to do. It’s only acceptable to spend money if it’s being used to harm bad people.Report
I’m not going to respond to the rest of the comment, but though compulsory education laws have been on the books for a while, but it is more recently that it’s been enforced in a meaningful capacity (especially among older kids). One of the early motivators was simply keeping them out of the workforce and keeping them from depressing wages. Make it so they can’t be hired (because they’re supposed to be in school) and it was performing its function. If some kids didn’t go to school but twice a week, so be it.
That changed at some point. I’m not sure when.Report
I can’t speak for other states but in KY truancy is handled differently depending on the child’s age. If they are in elementary school (K-5) then it is treated as a social work issue. I have a close family member who does this work. The stories are very sad and there are a surprising number of parents who simply don’t care until they get an order to appear in court. Ultimately they can be charged with educational neglect under our state laws.
Middle school and above (6-12) truancy is treated as a disciplinary issue and the kids are targeted by truancy officers. The law allows kids to drop out at 16. There is legislation currently being proposed to make that 18.Report
The fact that Truancy is treated as a crime and not a symptom is one of those things that illustrates a cultural failing in the US in general regarding juvenile offenses.Report
This was all about power and control. The kid was learning. “A judge threw a 17-year-old 11th grade honor student from Willis High School in jail after she missed school again ” The kid was an honors student. But no, it’s not about LEARNING, it’s about being in a school for the right amount of time for the right amount of duration.
Of course, when she grows up and goes to college, “attendance” will be 10% of her grade, at best, and when she goes to work, results vs time put in will likely be the key, so this is totally screwed up.Report
One thing I notice about the US versus New Zealand is that compliance seems to be a much bigger deal for you guys. The issue is that she wasn’t following The Rules and that’s all that matters. You can even see this in the Judge’s comments “if I don’t jail her, then I’ll have to let all the other truants off too” in which he shows no conception of judicial discretion. It doesn’t matter that she’s clearly getting educated, so who cares if her ass isn’t always in the chair? But it’s not about education, it’s about following The Rules.Report
Americans, as a generalization, are a sadly punitive people.Report