Daily Archive: March 26, 2012

Thoughts From Travelworld

It’s odd, really, how much travel I’ve been doing recently. I went nearly a year without any business travel and now it seems like every other day I’m away from home, in a hotel...

We also lay on guard for thee

Don’t look now, but Ontario just legalized prostitution, sweeping aside the country’s anti-prostitution laws. No word yet about whether Canadian prostitutes take Canadian Tire money.

Near-Tragedies in Civillian Police Work

Two short stories: Sometime in my late 20s I was up late at my brother’s apartment with some friends. We were having an impromptu band practice and enjoying a few beers. We heard a noise...

The Hunger Games and Politics

So what did I think? The Hunger Games is about the empire of economic necessity. If you’re a human being, congratulations. You’re playing the hunger games too. Within just a few hours, you will...