Update on Carolina Lunch Box Story
Please be aware of an important update to my post yesterday on the Carolina Lunch Box story. I have placed the update at the end of that post.
by Mark of New Jersey · February 16, 2012
Please be aware of an important update to my post yesterday on the Carolina Lunch Box story. I have placed the update at the end of that post.
Mark of New Jersey
Mark is a Founding Editor of The League of Ordinary Gentlemen, the predecessor of Ordinary Times.
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July 15, 2016
November 1, 2010
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to upgrade our service plan. Hopefully this will help us address some of our performance issues.
March 2, 2025
March 1, 2025
February 28, 2025
February 26, 2025
Thank goodness this is cleared up. I was on the verge of a breakdown worrying about it.Report
There truly is no private life left anymore.Report
I just hope someone at the League addresses Maxine Waters and her attack on Boehner and Cantor as demons, plus her wanting the Tea Party to go straight to hell. Straight to hell! No stops, no lay-overs, but straight to hell.Report
That be good. I don’t think she should have said that. Though heated rhetoric from politicians always strikes me as little more than theatrics.
I don’t like Democrats, though, and if there is a hell, I assume all of them, Dems and Reps, will be boiling in hell at some point.Report
I’m not talking about Democrats. I’m talking about progressives like Maxine Waters.Report
Oh, I didn’t realize Maxine Waters wasn’t a Democrat, but a progressive. Apparently I’m in the wrong century.
Anyway, I generally don’t dig progressives, either. I find them kind of annoying, even.Report
Instead of “Everybody Hates Chris,” we have “Chris Hates Everybody.”Report
That’d be an accurate title, at least. IReport
Are we expected to see what we thought happened as intrusive or are we supposed to see that as perfectly acceptable even if it didn’t happen which it would have been okay if it did?Report
Was the original freakout over the original story a reasonable one, assuming accurate information was delivered?
Or was the original story (assuming accurate information) one that only crazy people would have objected to?
Perhaps I am seeing an undercurrent of “it wouldn’t have mattered even if this had happened” when it isn’t there…Report
You mean “would the freakout have been reasonable if, in fact, the girl’s box lunch was taken after being formally inspected by a state agent pursuant to a generally applicable policy (whether state or federal)?”
Not only would it have been reasonable, but I’d have been leading the charge.Report
If the story was true as originally reported that the reaction would still have been ridiculous and over the top. Not that if true it wouldn’t have been wrong. But would there have been any evidence this was some wide spread policy or just some stupid thing done by one person. Lots of stupid things happen because some people do stupid things, that doesn’t make them federal cases, so to speak.Report
Mark, I think the next more interesting tack is to determine whether bad things are happening in schools because they are chasing budget dollars. For instance I personally know of a large school district that stopped sending autistic kids to the specialized education center nearby because they were given more money by the state to warehouse them themselves, which is precisely what they do. The kids are not given one whit of the specialized instruction they previously received but are essentially left to fend for themselves. Shame really, but I understand the bureaucrat’s budgetary mind.Report
Ward: I agree.Report
Another blind sheep proven wrong ….. Wake up man.
So now we have 2 mothers saying the same thing … Now with a memo from the school and a copy of the charged lunch …..Report
Hey Mark,
I was away when you published this post, and I am just playing catch-up now. I just wanted to say two things:
(1) – Great work.
(2) – Notice the headlines of the trackbacks to your first post. Even long after it was clear that no such thing happened, everyone around the Internet was just crying for clicks. I’d be disappointed if that sort of thing wasn’t entirely predictable.
And people don’t think we have a media crisis.Report